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Location: California, United States

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I use to be able to multi-task...

... a lot better than I do now. Really, I used to have about half a dozen pans in the fire all at once and would shift from one to the other like a circus performer on crack. Now I find that when I'm deep into one task... and if concentration is broken... it takes me a couple of hours before I am able to shift back into gear. It's not that I get distracted from the task at hand... (the task is always on my mind) it's just sliding back into the groove just takes a little more to rev up to.

For instance, today I was working on graphics. At 11:30 I get a call reminding me of a meeting that is taking place close by. I go to the meeting which takes all of an hour. I get back to the computer to continue working. It takes me forever to get going again and all the time I'm sitting looking at the work on the screen with in a funky daze. I know what needs to be done... and I'm thinking about it the entire time... but getting it going only happens an hour and a half later. Use to be zip... zip... kaboom! Being aware of that... I've actually consciously veered clear of any distractions of late... especially TV.

EDIT: 10:34 AM
Boy does blogger suck ass today. I'm so glad I moved mine to my own server. Yeah,... OK... you caught me. Yes, this IS a blatant commercial for Jungle Webs. Really, your own domain and hosting for under $5.60 a month!

And on to other news... I just got called for a photoshoot with the local paper. Yet, another distraction... because I have to make myself pruty instead of looking like death warmed over... shit, that takes hours! Plus, I have to get Kien's room ready. Looks like graphics work will go well into the night.


Yeah, we've been talking about touring...

... the show in the Summer of 2008. It's too late to apply for any of the fringe festivals this year. (We missed applications to the SF Fringe by about a week.) Still, a year and a half will give us time to fund raise for it. At the moment, Toronto and San Francisco are on the talking board between the cast, crew and I. (excerpt from the post on the TJ site today.)

Not entirely sure what is on the menu today. I'm sure I'll be able to rustle up something... so, no pictures of food for today.

My friend Kien arrives tomorrow. This gives me a day to get his room ready. His annual visits to perform at the Rogue are always fun... like having family around. Though if we were brothers by birth it would be debatable as to which one of us would claim the title of prodigal son. LOL! We spent our youth together... lost touch for 20 years and reconnected 6 years ago to resume as if those years were just yesterday. Of course, both of us had changed on our different life paths... (and perhaps even grown a little) but essentially the essence of who we were remained. I love the fact that he has carved his own niche here just from his annual visits. (Yeah, the man has groupies.)

Now to hit the graphics trail again. It's really taking longer this year that usual due to deadlines missed... but I am resolute to do the best job possible on it as I can.

So, for now... enjoy the hump of the week.


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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

it's 2 AM...

... think I'll leave a post for later in the day. It may be more lucid than if I attempt to leave one now... just beat from working on graphics. For now... here's hoping your Tuesday starts well.

EDIT: 10:59 AM
Breakfast for Mum... check! Dishes washed... check! Lunch completed... check! Coffee brewed... check! Now it's time for yet more graphics! But not before a post first. (Oops... laundry still needs to be done.)

Those have been my days for the last few months (except substitute graphics work for playwriting for a month and a half.)... and will be for a while. Still, that is my daily routine. Now that it's become more of a routine... I quite enjoy it. It's definitely a shift from the life I used to live but life shifts all the time. This one too will shift eventually.

There are certain little things I take pleasure with now that I never did before. Having lunch with Mum being just one. It's not an everyday occurrence (depends on if she is napping or not) but sharing a mid-day meal together happens at least 5 times a week. I was always too busy before... working, etc... to be able to do this. And frankly... it wasn't something I really cared to do in the past. But that too has shifted over the past 6 months. (The added bonus is that she always compliments me on my cooking... this is particularly gratifying from someone who knows how the dish should actually taste.)

BTW.... on the menu today is (double pot) steamed chicken soup (Chinese style) with garlic, ginger and mushrooms served with garlic rice.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

I gave myself the day off...

... even though I have a crap load of graphic work still to do. I may get cracking on it later tonight... today I allowed myself the down time. Yeah, I was basking in the afterglow of the previews. (Ya got to allow yourself that once in a while.)

Plus it was a rainy morning and cozying up in bed just seemed too good to pass up. It's something I hadn't done in a while... just loll and enjoy the stillness as the pitter-patter of the rain falls outside. My thoughts... they were private. Some memories... some of the present... mostly warm floaty images.

Tonight and probably most of tomorrow is work. Work that I want off my hands with completion. Then it will be more work but at a less frenzied pace.

I was thinking about something I said a couple of times last night. "If I should die... the show goes on." It's curious. I have always been aware of my mortality and it is not something that I shy away from. If nothing else... I embrace it. Heck, it's going to happen sometime... why worry about it? Make the time I have count... and I've tried to do that daily. Not out of a sense of legacy but because there are wonderful opportunities at every instant... why not grab them and enjoy what is?

Which brings us back to my lazy morning. There was a time I would have looked upon that as a "useless inactivity"... it's only of late that I have learned to savour the silence and enjoy the moments of stillness that life affords us. Sometimes we have to allow the impact of our efforts to sink in... and enjoy that for a bit.


Saturday, January 27, 2007

16 seats!

And people invited... don't turn up. (Personal invitations at that!) Gee thanks! Yeah... we got a good crowd... but 8 fucking seats could have been given to others who actually gave a damn! No call no email ... nothing! Look, I'm not fucking Shakespeare... but common courtesy... heard of that? Don't expect it if you don't give it.

Other than that, we had a great time. Really, we had a a wonderful time... and you fucking missed it. HAH! Now you get to pay to see it. For those who took the effort to turn up... a mighty big Thank You! You made all the difference in the world.

EDIT: Yes, the same post would have been written even if I was stone cold sober at the time of writing. BTW don't you just love how I can cuss like a sailor when I've tipped a couple. LOL!

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The first preview...

... went well. Those who know my work were a little taken aback. We also had non-theatre goers in the crowd... and they seemed to have been sucked in as well. There are pics on the TJ Site. One more to go tonight with close to a full house expected. We will open with Suicide Lounge and wabblings of the mutant frog.

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Da Count - my cast and crew


Oodles to count... but this week it's my cast and crew. They have been riding this beast with me (and continue to) and I couldn't ask for a better group of folk who have given in time, effort and talent like they have given to this trifle. You have eased my re-entry back into the theatre world to being a joyous experience... something that I didn't think I would find again.

All I can say is... Terima Kasih... you have made it all count for me once more.

If you want to find out what Da Count is all about... click the flashing sign.

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Shameless & Blatant does work.

We got an article in Fresno Famous... not written by me... plus a picture and all! There was a real reporter involved this time. He came over for rehearsals on Tuesday night. Yeah, go ahead... click the link and read it. I'll wait. (BTW... don't you think the pic posted has some nasty connotations? LOL!)

::toe tapping:: Done? Good.

Last night's Suicide Lounge rehearsal went quite well. We actually started by sharing a meal together over at a Vietnamese noodle place. It's something we hadn't done together in a while. I sort of miss that aspect of those days when we would all go out for meals and commiserate. Just doesn't happen that much anymore. But when it does... it's so very special.

Then there was a beer run and back to my garage to rehearse the songs we will be doing for the preview this weekend. We ran through the songs a few times and was accompanied at instances by backup vocals from my dogs. A pleasant evening all in all.

Tonight we rehearse for Tale End. Today... I'm swamped with graphics work. Tomorrow I prep for the previews this weekend.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No Tale End rehearsals tonight...

... but us boys are meeting for Suicide Lounge. And there is still a shit load of graphic work to accomplish before 6 PM.

Tale End will meet again tomorrow for a final rehearsal before our previews this weekend. Yeah, there are a couple more pictures over on the TJ Blog... and stuff to read as well.

Oh, I do have to mention that I am the guest interviewer on that lovely Ms. Bees Knees blog. If you haven't visited her site yet... you should. Though be forewarned... she is a paid killer... and she's known to do it for free... just for the pleasure of it.

Other than that... not a whole lot to report at the moment. Hope all of you are have a grand hump this Wednesday.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

not sure what is on the menu today...

... as there are leftovers from yesterday that we are still stuffing our faces with... and glad we are for that too. I just finished off a plate and am quite content as I sit here and write. The flavors are still delighting my senses and triggering images nostalgic of distant times. Food does that for me... taste and smell just evoke time and place.

I was thinking about this last night when Zonthar dropped in for rehearsals. ( was a doozy and featured the presence of one Mr. Murphy... CLICK HERE to read Solitaire's account of it. LOL.) Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Zonthar and I were waxing a little nostalgic about performances and shows past that we worked on together. Yes, I have memories of my life back in Malaysia... and there are memories that I have of my life here as well. They are all rich with detail and experiences that I have appreciated having lived through. Even the not so pleasant ones have yielded lessons that have hopefully made me better.

It's funny how as we are in the moment we may not appreciate what we are experiencing... but in hindsight they seem pretty amazing. Even what may seem mundane at the time would take on a whole different spectrum... especially if the mundane then is not the mundane we deal with now.

Take for instance the fact that I am living an "expat" life now (and have been for the last 25 odd years). It is a little strange to think of myself as an expat because the conventional perception mostly involves those of European heritage living in places other than their countries of birth. Yet, I am one by the very definition of the word. And I do see the present world I live in now with different eyes. But it goes further than that. With some of the natural assimilation here that occurs over time... if I did visit the country of my birth... I would also see it through expat eyes. Not with the judgemental absolutes of good or bad or right or wrong... but just different.

Perhaps that's why I sometimes feel that I've squeezed so many lifetimes into this one.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

wasn't feeling too hot...

... this morning. Woke up feeling great but after preparing breakfast I felt like that old "Cherrios" commercial... "This boy is running out of steam". I decided it would be best for me to hit the sack again and allow the magic of sleep heal me. That did the trick. I'm feeling much better now... much, much better in fact. I am constantly amazed how when we listen to our bodies... it works with us to regain equilibrium. Still, I think it would be best to not push it today.

There may be an article in Fresno Famous about the show ... that's not shamelessly written by me. I'll keep you posted on when that is posted. This evening we also start the first of the last 3 rehearsals before we shovel it out to the preview audience this weekend.

Graphics work will be taking up most of my day... my week actually. I am attempting to get it all completed and ready for proofing by Thursday. That will then free me up for... web work. It just never ends.

I think It's time for me to hit the kitchen and cook. On the menu today.... Nasi Lemak. (Coconut rice with a spicy sambal garnished with cucumber, chrispy anchovies and peanuts. Usually served in a banana leaf wrapping.) Yet another favorite of mine that comes from the culinary streets of Malaysia. Click the name of the dish above for the recipe... click HERE for more on it.


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Sunday, January 21, 2007

spicy fried rice topped with an...

... onion omelet. That started off my day today. I haven't had this for breakfast in a while. Just had a hankering for it so I made it happen within 20 minutes. The coffee is on the brew and that will just cap the whole thing off. Don't get me wrong... I like the standard breakfast. But for me... this is comfort food. Now, what shall I do for lunch?

A post that Kien wrote recently got me thinking about this. I have often waxed poetic about the food from Malaysia... especially the street variety. I've enjoyed various foods from cultures around the world... really enjoy trying them. OK, I like food. I happen to think that it is the essence and soul of any culture. Food is the most immediate source that defines that culture. It tells you what they think and feel about life. Their life's philosophies are wrapped up in what they eat and how they like it prepared. Of course, it is also dependent on what is readily available in their region of the world. But it is what they do to it... their value in taste that determines how a dish turns out. The differences even in regions of the same country are quite amazing to behold.

I have often thought about taking food tours of different countries. In fact, I once suggested organizing a food tour of Malaysia... where you will never eat the same meal twice. A friend once traveled with me back home and her entire travel journal was filled with what we ate. I would ask her what we did on a certain day and she would quiz back with "before or after we ate fish and mango curry?" Quite funny really.

p.s. BTW... my cordless keyboard and mouse gave up the ghost today. No services are planned but donations to a good cause will be accepted.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mum update.

She is up and around. In fact, she was sweeping the front of the house yesterday. (Yeah, so now I'm going to be accused for elder labor too.) Anyway, she is fine.

On to other news.... If you go to the TJ Blog, you will see (especially if you live in the big "NO") you can win yourself an opportunity to see a preview of Tale End for free this coming weekend!

More later maybe...

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Da Count - ain't giving up counting

O.K... truth be told... I'm still a little hurt and angry about the events (see previous post) that transpired this morning. I'm licking my wounds and can't think about a specific count (though there are still oodles)... except that I'm alive.

Instead of faking it... I'll be honest and say that this too shall pass... but in the meantime I'm also going to allow myself to journey that process. So, I'll just allow the Python boys to sing me a reminder that it could always be bloody worse. CLICK HERE!


If you want to find out what Da Count is all about... click the flashing sign.

EDIT: Friday, 8:25 AM
Feeling much better today. Thanks to all of you who left messages of support and just plain kindness... it really helped... and totally counted for me.

Here are a few great time wasters for you.


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Oi Vey!

So, I get a call this morning asking me to call a number, to speak to so and so to perhaps find out if there is public assistance available for Mum. I call. The number is to Adult Protective Services. Great. The gentleman on the other end of the line begins to grill me on the possibility that I am not caring for my elderly mother. That someone called to say that I am incapable of caring for her and at worst neglecting her.

We talk for a bit. I explain that I'm doing the best I can. That apart from the natural ravages of the aging process... she is healthy. That I make sure that she has her meals which I cook and serve to her daily. That yes, my mother does fall on occasion and that a friend who lives close by is on call and available to help me pick her up when that does happen. The conversation then shifted to some other services that I may be able to seek for her. So, the call ended on a positive note.

After hanging up... I call back the person who called me with the number. I carefully explained to her that I really appreciate her and some of the others coming over to visit and chat with Mum... and even helping with the clean-up. (I only wash the dishes in the sink once every 2-3 days... guess when they usually turn up?) That the call from the number I was given by her yielded some useful information and resources. I also explained to her that one of the reasons I had given up a $40, 000 year a job was just so I could be on the homestead... where Mum needed me. (There has been talk among this same group that I was fired.) That I appreciate their concern but did not appreciate being grilled this morning from a social service with the possibility of elder abuse. The call was unemotional and courteous... and to the point. I'm all about "well meaning intentions" but please try to get the full story first before acting.

My thoughts on this whole thing? I am far from the perfect son. I am untidy. I am unconventional. But I do take care of business and the needs of my mother. All of this could have easily been avoided if they had just chosen to speak to me about it. But then... their actions were probably initiated by their already sullied perceptions of me (ruled by their conventional standards of how things should be... a line which I have never towed).

So, great... now that this social service has our details... I'm probably on the radar for elder abuse. Here is that sharp curve on the roller-coaster again. So, that's how my day started.

EDIT: 4:35 PM
So, this has knocked the wind out of my sails. I had planned a grand day of things to be accomplished. As of this writing... only 10 percent has... which now makes me feel even worse. Fuck!

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the wedding was very sweet...

... in fact, for a limited time you can still watch a re-run HERE. (Click Darryl Hinds/Carly Jones) I even had a date to the wedding with a fellow blogger via chat. We even brought our owh slurps and nosh for an improvised reception after. I had a fried chimichanga and beer. The best part of the whole thing was that I didn't have to dress up for it. Still, it was a privilidge to have witnessed it.

Rehearsals were stellar last night... and (for the first time) all of us chimed in at the same time on the TJ Blog. Suicide Lounge rehearsals also began last night. Boy, do I have a long way to go on that. LOL!

This morning Mum fell again and one more time Kowboi came to the rescue. I already know that this is going to be a more frequent occurance. All I can do is be prepared for it. Once again, a big THANK YOU, Kowboi!

Now, to fininsh the laundry... go out to get it dry. Cooking for the day has already been accomplished. Then it's back to graphics work for the Rogue. BTW... click this LINK and you'll get to a post that links to some of our performers presence online.

So, yesterday began bumpy but ended well. This morning was bumpy too. I can only hope that the ending of the day mirrors yesterday.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Rodent is Rebelling

Last night, I left my computer for 20 minutes (to get something to eat) and came back to find that mu mouse was stuck. Refused to move. On strike. So this post is coming from the laptop.) Now I have to determine if it is a hardware or software issue. Please Almighty Lord... let it be a hardware issue!

Of course, this comes at the most inconvenient of times... when I have massive amounts of graphic work to accomplish. Figures, huh?

On to other news... the rehearsal went well. You can read about it HERE.

Tonight I have 2 rehearsals. The first for TALE END, then at 9 SUICIDE LOUNGE begins. This will be interesting. The other 2 are professional musicians... then there's me. HAH! I have less than a month to get my chops back up to acceptable snuff. No easy task this... but it gives me the perfect reason to cut down... even give up smoking. My motivation? I don't want to suck on stage.

Also, I'm going to a wedding! You can too! CarleyJayJay (What the Beans on my blogroll) is getting married in Vegas! Plus, a friend of hers has sprung for it to be webcast! Go to her site for the link to the webcast and wish the soon to be newlyweds well.

UPDATE: 1:16, PM
All systems are a "go" again... it was a hardware issue too stupid to even go into right now.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Time Wasters... but well worth it

My friend Zonthar doesn't post very often (he bloody should... the man is brilliant... and witty to boot) but when he does it definately is worth the read. His latest post does give one pause to think about the official monikers given our bits & pieces.

Go ahead and send a Hula Card to someone where your message will be danced for them.

For those of you who are moving to the Beta... er... New Blogger... HERE is a great resource page to get it to look and do what you want it to. Hack away!

And finally a sales pitch to keep Mum and me fed and out of the cold.

Jungle Webs (yes, it's my company) has EXTENDED it's DOT COM SALE until January 31!

You can get YOUR VERY OWN for only $6.95 a year! And that comes with all sorts of freebies like your very own EMAIL ACCOUNT! You can actually start the hunt for your domain right here.

I am setting up the company BLOG so that it will also function as a "how to" resource for Bloggers and Arts groups. I'll be adding 2-3 there a week. I'll also have some new fun banners for the stealing you can post on your sites soon!

Promise... you'll get no more than one pitch a week on this blog.


p.s. BTW... rehearsals begin again tonight... can't wait to see how the rewrites work!

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Don't they realize that it eventually gets back to my ears?

A friend came to visit the other day. In the course of the conversation blurted that so-and-so was at someplace and was talking smack about me. I began to chuckle. My friend's face held a quizzical look.
"Why are you laughing?"
"I'm used to it."

"What was said about you was pretty brutal!"

I explained to my friend that I've headed several endeavours over time and when one does, one just has to accept the fact that "Bagging on the Boss" is going to occur. It really doesn't matter if the boss is Donald Trump or Mother Teresa... there's still going to be a fair amount of backroom bitching going on. It's an international past-time... probably occurs more often and a lot longer than sex. Come on, we've all done it! (Heck, we even do it on our blogs.) It usually begins with phrases like...

"Can you believe what (Insert Boss Name Here)..."
"(Insert Boss Name Here) is fucking insane because..."
and my all time favorite...
"Let me tell you the next time (Insert Boss Name Here)... "

Then the diatribe begins. The way I see it... if it is shared with co-workers and they commiserate... it's a form of organization bonding. If nothing else, it's venting of frustration. It doesn't matter how great the outfit you're working for... frustration is going to occur and the easiest target is whomever is in-charge.

The other thing I've learned over time is that it will eventually reach the ears of the one being bitched about. (If it doesn't... that in-charge person is delusional and totally out of touch... in which case, deserves what is being bitched about them.) That's been true... at least in my case. There is very little that goes on that I don't eventually find out about. I also know this goes along with the territory of being the in-charge person. (Mainly because people can't keep confidences shared with them.) I have never taken it personally and hardly ever hold it against the person... not because I'm particularly thick-skinned.

Simply because I understand:

* I'm not perfect... I have done my fair share of bitching too.
* I never demand something of anyone that I am not willing to demand of myself.
* The person's assigned task fell short of being accomplished... so, someone needs to be blamed.
* When I am wrong... I almost always cop to it.
* I'm never always right... but I'm very seldom wrong.


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Friday, January 12, 2007

In re-writes...

... and I posted something on the TJ blog about it... and there are other very recent posts there as well.

BTW... the webcast has been cancelled.

UPDATE: 10:05 AM, Saturday
Here is Fred Astaire singing "Lets Face The Music and Dance"

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Da Count - perspective

We lost a fellow blogger this week. And yes it is sad.... for so many reasons. Sad because we will miss her. Sad because she was at her prime. Sad because she was a joy. Sad because this was so sudden. We are sad for ourselves because the presence of that person is no longer with us.

Grieving is a natural part of our lives. We grieve for who isn't anymore in our lives... for what isn't anymore in our lives. We grieve because that, who and what isn't going to be the same. And that is the way it should be. If we do not grieve... then we are not human.

And that is my count... that we can grieve. That we can feel. That compassion is part and parcel of our human make-up. That we are indeed feeling human creatures. That like it or not... life is going to throw us curves. That those moments will make us take pause to reflect that this precious gift is fleeting and that we affect the universe as much as the reason we grieve. That we do make a difference which causes a ripple in this pond of life we inhabit. That we all touch in one way or another... other lives. And knowing that... we become acutely aware that all our lives and actions DO count.

If her passing serves as that reminder... then may it be a celebration in her honor.
As Fred Astaire once sang... "Let's face the music and dance."

If you want to know what Da Count is all about... click the flashing sign.

UPDATE: 9:16, Friday.
Hunter has chimed in on the Theatre J'Nerique blog... PLUS... details on the upcoming skypecast of a rehearsal next week can be found there too!

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So, this is what we're thinking...

... we may webcast about half an hour of a rehearsal next week. Stay tuned for details.

Rest of the post will be up in the AM


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Being a bad blogger again.

With the schedule I now have there is less time to blog surf. I do visit but the comments are left at a minimum. So, do know that I do come by to catch-up.... about every 2-3 days.

Solitaire has something new on the Theatre J'Nerique blog... so have I... sort of. Last night's rehearsal... well... go over to the blog and see.

Also been posting on the Jungle Webs blog. I'm planning "how to" posts once every 2 days do that it becomes more of a resource. Hopfully that will also help with getting more traffic and business.

Plus, I included an article there that I posted on Fresno Famous. It sure got the TJ site some hits yesterday. LOL! I am so shameless!

Short post today... perhaps more this evening.

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Monday, January 8, 2007

I accomplished 3...

... of the 4 things I had set out to do today. Left out the cooking part but there were some leftovers and easy food around the homestead to keep us both well nourished.

Rehearsals began tonight. You can read all about it HERE and check out a few more pictures of the evening. Yeah, don't be shy to leave a comment while you are there.

I did finish the layout work on this year's Muse for the Rogue. It's a complete departure from years previous... which is good. Though it was not a piece that I would have chosen... I like how it turned out. A new eye, a different sensibility, a change forward. There is a definate twisted whimsey to it. I'll unveil it to you when the powers that now be make it official.

Not much more to write... so, I'll hit the sack. Have a happy Tuesday and Cheers!

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Sunday, January 7, 2007

the start to a busy few weeks...

... begin at dawn tomorrow.
  1. I have to start design and web work on Rogue 2007. This includes the festival website and the 44 page Rogue Map (glossy festival program) plus layout this years Muse which will serve as the iconic image.
  2. If I can squeeze an hour or two in... work on my internet business. A site was set up a while back but of late I've also been setting up a blog that will include a series of "how to's". The market that I'm targeting are folk in the arts and bloggers! Time to get agressive with this one if I want to continue to eat.
  3. Cook... so that Mum and I don't whither away.
  4. Begin rehearsals on "Tale End". We've set up 3 weeks of rehearsals with previews scheduled for January 26 and 27.
More later in the day... perhaps.

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Saturday, January 6, 2007

a faerie left me a package...

... today. I opened it to discover that it contained bottles filled with the nectar of of her divine delight. A smile broke on my face as wide as the man in the moon... though a part of me wanted to wag a finger for the extravagance of this gift. I will instead accept it with grace and thanks.

Needless to say I did partake in her essence this evening... but sparingly as I plan on hoarding this treasure for as long as I can.

Not much more to write but I will post pictures from the last 3 days that I had promised to in my last post. They are in no particular order... just random pictures.

I will say though that for some reason or another women flashed their red bras at me on several occasions in public places. ::blink, blink::

Damn, this year has started well!

EDIT: I have installed Haloscan commenting to get around those darned Blogger vs Beta-Blogger commenting issues.

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Thursday, January 4, 2007

Da Count - what was my day like?

For a non-event it was fabulous! Really, I mean it. Let me clarify. Those of us who are born during or this close to the major holidays are used to folks forgetting our birthdays... or giving half hearted wishes. Really, can you blame them? Afterall, they are usually totally spent from the gush of the holiday season. So, I for many years have just stopped celebrating... or even attempting to. Really, it's like pushing a truck up a hill with a wet noodle.

So, I opted for the non-event. And it works out great. There are no expectations and as a result anything that comes my way is a total bonus. That being said... I want to thank everyone who dropped by to wish me and actually put aside the time to make me feel special today. It's nice being remembered... really.

The day was dank and rainy... weather-wise. So, my day consisted of:
  • Waking up at 4 AM (the dogs barking) and receiving the loveliest of emails to start my day off. This set off my day in a wonderful way.
  • I went back to bed at 5:30 AM. Slept through some great lucid dreams. Really, it was fun to be able to be in the "driver's seat for those.
  • Got up at 11 ish AM and noodled around including some great surfing.
  • At 1 PM.... I cooked.
  • 2 PM... surfed a little more and discovered that Os had posted a birthday wish.
  • At 2:30... hit the sack from the inertia that set in from stuffing my face... from the results of cooking. (Pure bliss.)
  • 4:30 PM... took a shower and got ready to go out. My ride came by at 5 ish.
  • Hit the Tower District. Did ArtHop and really enjoyed walking the wet streets alone hopping from gallery to gallery. Free food, wine and coffee.
  • Went to the regular wateringhole... drinks were bought for me. A few friends turned up. No big deal was made but the company and conversation was much appreciated.
  • Got home at 10 PM... a little buzzed but satisfied with all the bonuses that the day granted me.
  • While I was home received several calls asking where I was... let's have a drink, etc. Thanks... but my day out is done... appreciate the thought and the effort of the calls though.
Now, I sit here whacking on the keyboard. There is a quiet solace warming my being and I will head to bed with a smile. So, not making a big deal is actually a wonderful thing as the surprises and delights it brings make the day full. Expectations would only have brought diappointment. My real gift was having this day... and tomorrow presents me with yet another. May all of us have days like this for as many days that the weeks hold... that is my birthday wish for you and me.

I think that counts, don't you?

To find out what Da Count is all about... click the flashing sign.


To lazy now... but some pics my be posted later in the morning.

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Wednesday, January 3, 2007

My very first post...

... OK, perhaps the second after my test. So, these are my new digs... how do you like it? Kinda brazen and red, huh? Well, so be it. It's mine! All mine!

Yeah, I have a new domain now. . (Go ahead... change it on your blogroll... I'll wait. *toe tapping*... good!

I was going to migrate it to but I thought it deserved it's own home. Of course, it will be linked from there... and the old blog will also be migrated here in a few days. I'm trying to consolidate all the different blogs, websites, etc... I have so that it will be easier to manage. There's not much to see here at the moment... but, hey I just got the place! I'll decorate soon enough. I'm sure this place needs a little more tweaking... (like, what the heck is going on with that background???) but that will come in time.

Oh, and if you want your very own... go to Jungle Webs... both blog and arts friendly... and AFFORDABLE! Heck, with a domain and hosting it's less than $5.60 a month! And I'm running a sale until the 12th.... .COMS are only $6.95 a year! OK, yeah... it's my internet business... can't blame a guy for trying, right? More on that in the coming days!

Now thats out of the way... the reason I'm unveiling this today (Thursday... the 4th) is that it's my birthday! Which sort of calls for a baby pic... so, here's one!

And the lovely Binsk and Phain both share this birthday with me.... go over and wish them too!

Well here it is... the night of my current age and tomorrow I'll be a year older... er... better. Like fine wine... or a single malt scotch (which I should have had tonight .... but the black label was pretty good) or... left over stew or curry... at least I'd like to think so.

The plan for my Thursday? As little as possible. You all have a good one!


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