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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

... of people I know. (Had to use that one for the rhyme scheme... but it does relate to the post.) I ran into a couple of guys last night who informed me that they were leaving town soon for other pastures. It will be sad to see them go but we all gotta do what we gotta do, right? Still, a part of me yearned for them to stick around for just a little more. Sometimes I think I'm a bit of a Gypsy magnet.

Ever since I can remember this has been a constant in my life. People come into my life, I get to know them quite well and eventually they move on. I have always appreciated and been enriched having known them though... but as a child this social revolving door always crushed me a little inside. As I grew older and the pattern repeated I began to accept it as a constant... a part of life for everyone. But is it? On closer observation this is may not necessarily be true for a better part of the population. I know and know of several people whose lives... at least within a social context remain constant for eons. Sure, there may be a few "ebbs and flows" in their lives but for the most part once a social structure has been established there is very little to change (sometimes over a span of 20 to 30 years) except for the march of time. Really, I have been to gatherings at their homes where I have felt that certain "things don't change a lot here in Mayberry" sort of feeling... a certain and comfort and dependability that is... well, nice. (Looking back... my average is 3-5 years of "somewhat constant".)

Now stalwart friends of mine may take issue with this post especially if they still remain in contact with me at present... but even they have moved on in many ways at least within the social context of life. Yes, we still do get together and enjoy... even relish doing so but it is different (and not as frequent). I am not saying that this is good or bad... just different. Perhaps it's because I do meet a lot of people in the nature of what I do. Plus, my work usually (OK, almost always) dictates a natural intense (and rather quick) intimacy be forged. However, I am at a loss to explain this higher rate of social "turn-around" in my earlier life. Tis a befuddlement... perhaps it is true that I am a Gypsy magnet.

Whatever the case, I have long ago accepted that this is so. I guess sharing some time and experiences with many is better than not sharing time at all. This ebb and flow continues to carve a richness into my life and that is nothing to complain about.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Last night was dedicated to watching network TV. It's not something I usually do. I used to but fell out of the habit several years ago just because my schedule dictated otherwise. Heck, I even subscribed to cable TV once or twice a long time ago. Anyway, I digress.

Over the last few years I will pick out something from the new season and follow it the best I can. Last year it was "Heros"... the year before that it was "Medium"... etc. So, last night between catching up via online and repeat episodes these are the shows I watched and my present verdicts on them.

The Bionic Woman - OK, I'll cop to the fact that I watched this because I had a big schoolboy crush with Lindsay Wagner . I have to say that I sort of like the direction the new one is going in. Though I think it may suffer comparisons to "Alias". The first couple of episodes were not bad in setup and it may be worth watching where it goes from here. VERDICT: An off and on MAYBE... though this may be exclusively via internet reruns.

Journeyman - Once again, I have been intrigued by time travel TV series since the days of Time Tunnel. The first 2 episodes look promising and there is intrigue built in as to why this is happening to this guy (and how he keeps running into his ex-girlfriend in his travels.) VERDICT: I'll give it 3 more episodes to hook me.

Moonlight - A vampire private detective. A fun premise though I was not too impressed with the storylines of the first 2 episodes (the second especially.) I can only hope it does not go into the cheesy direction of "Ghost Whisperer." VERDICT: This may become an off and on guilty pleasure... unless it fizzles out.

Pushing Daisies - A guy has the ability to bring dead people back with a touch. The second touch sends them back to death (unless a minute pasts and then someone else within proximity bites the dust.) The visuals are amazing and it is quirky and a tad surreal... just the way I like it. Here is conflict... he brings the love of his life back and can't touch her. VERDICT: Yes, I think this is the winner of regular watching.

BTW... is anyone keeping count on how many Brit actors (playing Americans) are in the new TV fare this season?