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Location: California, United States

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

no internet for me this weekend

I'm swearing off it, I tell ya! I am taking no laptop and have banned myself from any internet cafes I might trip upon.

Arrangements have been finalized and I AM going up to SF for the Fringe! (Of course, barring any unforeseen circumstances.) OK... truth of the matter is... I am going to see shows up at the Fringe but this trip is more of a break for me. There are telltale signs why I need one.

1. I've been muttering to myself of late. (But Lecram... you do that anyway.)

2. I've been muttering back to my muttering. (crickets chirping)

3. I break out into song while doing the laundry... in time with the spin cycle.

4. The phrase "I don't wanna" has crept into every third sentence I speak.

5. The neighbor's cat has stopped hanging out at my place just to drive my dogs crazy... and I'm convinced that this is a sign of the apocalypse.

So... I'll post on Friday and you won't see me till Monday. So there!


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