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Location: California, United States

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

not everything I wanted to...

... but I did get some things accomplished today. Of course, there are still oodles to do and I'll get to them tomorrow.

I was up at 4 AM this morning. It happens every time I have a couple of scotches the night before... which isn't as often as it used to be... which is just as well.

Anyway, being up reminded me of a writing routine that I used to practice several years ago. The quiet of the morning was a great time. I would write until 7 then do my morning chores. Get back to writing at 10 am then break to cook and eat lunch at noon. The afternoon was usually left to other pursuits... which often included a nap. At 8 PM I would review the writing I had done for the day... do minor rewrites and put down notes for the next morning's write. That worked pretty well for a while. I do need to set aside time and routine for my next write though. Something workable that will maximize output.

Actually, of late I've been feeling the need to formalize a schedule for my day which of late has been pretty loose.

Perhaps more in the AM


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