lecram's blog moving day!

Yep... that's what will be happening today. I am however leaving Da Blogs Da Thang versions 1.0 and 2.0 up. Instead of migrating all those posts I sort of like the idea that a "trail of evolution" is left. I may migrate some of the stuff later... but not today.
Yes, I am moving to Wordpress. (WARNING: Shameless Promotion Up Ahead.) Lecramsblog.com was moved to my Jungle Webs server earlier this year. I did that both as an experiment and also to make sure that the content of my blog was at one place and not floating around on indiscriminate servers on the web.
I'm doing the same with the new blog as the hosting on Jungle Webs offers all sorts of free add-ons (through something called Metropolis) from which Wordpress can be installed very easily. Plus, with the deluxe plan (a mere $8.39 a month) I can host unlimited domains (.COMS are only $6.95 a year!)
Anyway, there will be more updates during the day as I set the new place up... so stay tuned.
4:20 PM, Saturday
O.K. I think it is nap time. I still have some more tweaking to do and other work... but I do have a shooting gig this evening out in the park. So, a nap may be prudent at the moment. I have a couple of templates that I can use... back and forth depending on my mood when I post... so that is kinda fun. There is still some other adjustments before I will bring you the new digs in all it's glory. Hang tight... that should be happening... latest sometime tomorrow.
Labels: domains, hosting, jungle webs, new blog
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