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Location: California, United States

Friday, March 30, 2007

trying on a brand new sarong...

... always feels like the start of a new relationship. You look at it... admire it... feel it. You put it on to see how it feels against the skin. You wonder about the level of comfort and softness it will attain in time. Some you take to right away. Others grow in appreciation over time. Which one of the 2 new ones will attain favorite status?

I've had many sarongs over the years. In fact, I still own 2 that are over 20 years old. The two latest ones were brought over from Malaysia by Kien. I do have to tip my hat on his aesthetic choices. (These pictures hardly do them justice.) When he arrived he said, "These are definitely you." I was undoubtedly very pleased with his choices. Both are of the "gajah duduk" (sitting elephant) brand... which is the most popular in Indonesia. Good sturdy fabric... but I do know that one will win over the other to be the apple of my eye. Only time (and repeated use) will tell.

The "male" sarongs from Malaysia are usually of a stripe or plaid design. The "ladies" have the market on the more fanciful floral prints. Really beautiful traditional designs are the most sought after sarongs. But more about that in another post. I have told you how much I love women in sarongs, haven't I? Well, I do... really... very much. One would think I have a sarong fetish... OK, I do. So... you got a problem with that?

For now I look at the two I have and relish the thought of "breaking them in". They will be a comfort to wear now that the whether is more sarong friendly. (Brace yourselves for "The Return of the Sarong!") I have already been using them... not just to bed but also to lounge in. Ahhh... the comfort of a sarong... there's nothing quite like it.

EDIT: I was so hoping the lovely Keda would chime in on this one because I was looking for THIS POST of hers yesterday.

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Da Count - a fantastic trip on a dreaded week


The trip took place on the second weekend of 2001. Despite the horrible events that had occurred earlier in the week a small group of us ventured to the San Francisco Fringe Festival. It wasn't just for the fun of catching new shows. It was a "study trip" to see how a festival like this would work from whence we came.

It was a fantastic trip to say the least. One that we often smile about. That small group along with a few other "believers" created something that this year became one of the biggest of it's kind on the West Coast,

Two weeks ago I received a call informing me that I would be honored for the creation of this event at a prestigious award ceremony. 2 days later I received an email attachment to approve the official press release. I sent back edits making sure to name those on that trip as well as a few early believers... and they are who I'm counting this week - the founders. (Even though many don't think they are.) Without that small group of believers who weathered that first insane attempt with what was considered by most as a "must fail" proposition... the Rogue Festival would not exist.

On April 26th, I shall receive the Horizon Award on behalf of all of us. I am hoping that most of us will be there. BTW the picture is the very first "muse" for the Rogue of 2002. It is a block print by Fresno artist Vincente Aiello... I own the original.

To find out what Da Count is all about click the flashing sign above.

EDIT: BTW... the meeting went well today. It may influence the foundation to rethink and adjust their Arts grant funding to suit a more realistic criteria. Oh, and I paid for my own coffee.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

when I wake up...

... tomorrow morning, I will make my way over to ye ole java joint for an interview meeting with one of the bigger arts foundations in the land. I received an email from them over a week ago stating that I had been identified "as a key resource person with knowledge of the cultural landscape". Hmmm... er... OK. Apparently I am one of 30 people in the San Joaquin Valley who are being interviewed to "investigate the many forms of creative and cultural expression" in the area. (1 of 30 out of 4 million? Huh? No pressure there.) Anyway, the starter on the truck is being finicky so I guess I'll bike it to this meeting. I just want to know if they are springing for the cup of coffee.

I have to say that there suddenly seems to be an awful lot of activity in that area where my life is concerned of late. Not a complain... but this spike in arts related stuff can be a little heady. Especially considering that not too long ago I was looked upon as a bit of a curiosity and oddball. (O.K. a lot of the theatre folk in this town still look upon me in that way.) But now the "established" bigwigs want to ask my opinion? (I do have to admit that the thought of this happening just gets me a little cross-eyed.) I guess all I can do is show up... give my opinion and hopefully not have to pay for my own cup of java.

In other news... I'm hitting the sack early tonight. Hope your Thursday is good. Cheers!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the fantastic day

Today wasn't it... not for me at least. Just was feeling under the whether and a system that blew in last night lowered the temperatures making me want to snuggle up under the blanket. So, it wasn't a bad day... but it wasn't an optimum one either. But it did get me thinking about a few fantastic days of yore.

No. this is not going to be a post describing any of those. I was actually thinking about it within context of the people I've shared those times with. There are times when we get together that we smile and laugh over some of those over a drink... always a fun thing. Though there are also those fantastic days that often go unspoken. They may be private pleasures that we keep to ourselves. There are also the ones that involve others that for some reason we haven't or don't want to relate... or simply don't because the "right moment" hasn't arrived.

I wonder how many parents tell their children (when they are old enough to appreciate it) about the day they were born. I wonder how many children tell their parents about that day when a special moment shared meant everything to them. Or co-workers telling each other of how much a favor done meant the world to them on a particular day. Or former lovers smiling over how good that burnt dinner tasted on that perfect day. Or a friend thanking another for a selfless act that made all the difference. Just random fantastic days... feel free to add your own.

No, there is no epiphany here. No, profound conclusion to the post. Just thoughts that floated through my mind as the day rolled on. A nap early this evening has made me feel better. Not a fantastic day... but really not a bad one either.

How was yours?

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Monday, March 26, 2007

so, it's like this...

... I had to call the electric company to ask for an extension to pay off a pretty enormous bill. Paid some of it today. Now I have a week to figure out (currently with a non-existent income) where/how I will find the money to pay it off.

I also have to rewrite a play (Frogway) I wrote 27 years ago... and finish it quick if it is to be produced back in Malaysia.

My writing partner (the composer of Frogway) and I are talking about working together again on some new exciting projects.

The article that I wrote and posted on Jungle Webs... was also posted on Fresno Famous and received a positive response from the webmaster of the local Arts Council. This could mean possible business for Jungle Webs.

Connected to that... a marketing company that has been on the boards with a couple of friends will have to be fast-tracked to take full advantage of the upcoming possibilities.

The Rogue has won the Central Valley People's Choice Award as a Hidden Gem of this region. It was released in a nice glossy edition as part of the local newspaper yesterday with a story and a great picture of the current producer, promotions director and me. (Sorry, no web links to this.)

There are a couple of great personal and professional things that I'm not at liberty to talk about at the moment. One is coming up soon.

There is a possible upcoming gig at a Jazz club in Shanghai to perform that I may not be able to do.

All of this while I have a total of $72 to my name and an uncertain horizon of an income stream. Ain't life grand? The thing is... its not new to me. My life has always been a swirling yin and yang that happens all at the same time. Exciting, crazy, desperate, honored, elated, unsure... always been that way. LOL.

EDIT: Woke up this morning and not feeling too hot today. Sour tummy and just a general "out of it" disposition. Hopefully it passes soon and it's not "that thing" that has been making the rounds that I have successfully avoided so far.

EDIT 2: So, I visited Tish's blog and found this cool service/widget that I'm trying out. Check the sidebar under "Recent Readers". Feel free to check it out.


2 birds

Posting this just cuz. Actually, its in response to Kien's "I am tired" post and Cosima's "Musical Monday" post. Plus, this sequence has always made me laugh out loud.

More later... maybe even another post.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

bits and pieces of this and that


  • I've been making more banners this weekend for Jungle Webs and they will be featured here as I create even more. GO HERE (please) if you want one for your own blog or site (pretty please) and help send business to help feed the starving playwright (pretty, pretty please). (If you know of other public sites that you can post them to... go ahead!)
  • I made the perfect onion omelet this morning. MMM... it is good... especially followed by a good cup of freshly brewed coffee.
  • Went out last night to catch an encore performance of "Bullet Point". (Good show, Jag... a little more tweaking and direction and you're ready to take it on the road.) This means I will have to get my butt in gear to crank up the Rogue Year Round component. Hmm... perhaps I'll send out emails today.
  • I am currently sitting around in my sarong.... and fully intend to stay in it all day.
  • I received a CD yesterday from a friend (and personal archivist) of a recording from the original production of FROGWAY. Mp3ed them and sent them off to my friend (and composer) Mike. Listening to it proved to be an interesting time warp experience. The songs are really good... and considering that I was 21 at the time... I actually wrote some decent lyrics. If I have the balls... I may actually post selections here in the coming days.
  • I did this about a year ago and tried it again today. It is one of the few quizzes that I like. Really, I'm not that into knowing which Charlie's Angels I am most like... at least not this week.
  • If I get a wild hair... there may be an edit to this post later.
  • Cheers!
Read Lecram's Personal Dna Report

EDIT: Just finished an article on the TAO OF B.I.T.S. on the Jungle Webs blog.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Da Count - the time we have


This week I was once again reminded of the fleeting nature of time. The Goodbye Hello post touched on it so have other recent personal observations and experiences. But it is just how fast the days pass from one to the next that really brings these thoughts to the forefront.

I have observed (and been party to) time spent between parents and children, strangers, friends and lovers and I see varying levels of values that exist within and without. I used to consider it linear continuum (in the earlier more "invincible" days of my youth) with notches or beads that indicated personal highlights or devastation's. The spaces in between were of little consequence. (Sometimes known as the "I'm going to live forever" syndrome.) Later that was replaced with "the cluster" of using every spare second... simply because any "space" meant waste. (This is "the end ain't that far away" syndrome.)

Over the last few years I have gradually grown into the "quality" stage. Not just with making the effort to spend "quality" time... but coming to the realization that it is ALL quality time. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the busy, the lazy, the exciting the mundane... it all matters. Weather socializing with friends or breakfast with Mum or working obsessively on a project or lazing alone watching the birds outside pecking in the grass... it is all vital and precious to the complete experience of life. Suddenly the perception of "wasted time" becomes moot because it is all quality... it is all essential... it all matters... it is all vital... it all counts.

So, this week I'm counting time (no pun intended). Time (our friend) has taught me that it is never too short... only life is. We can choose to spend it chasing for an extension or simply live what we have to the fullest. What we choose to do (or not do) with the ration of time we've been bestowed is where (in my humble opinion) the true quality of living resides... only we can determine the grade of that.

And my time the last couple of days has been spent sprucing THIS up. How do you like it? (Not that you asked but... I like it a lot more and think it's a vast improvement over what was.

Go ahead... click here to play it! ... featuring Ilsa, Sam & Rick.

If you want to find out what Da Count is all about... click the flashing sign above.

EDIT: 3:33 PM, Friday
Help feed the starving playwright. Steal a banner for your blog or site HERE. Or do/send business by clicking the banner below!



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

sometimes, it just goes...

... around and around. You want to catch a breath. It continues. Variations on a theme. Like the countless jazz solos born from the same song. All rich with nuance. You stop and you become an observer. Take it in. A slice of trance. An empty space opens to your right. Then you get up. Time to get it all together...


EDIT: Was chatting with a friend this morning on my latest post. Perhaps you would want to add an image to the cryptic post. Just post a link to an image in the comment section.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Goodbye Hello

It's a late post, I know. But perhaps this will be up for tomorrow as well. We'll see how I feel and what I do. If I feel prolific... there will be a new post tomorrow.

I got back earlier from dropping my friend, Kien at the railway station. He should be arriving in San Francisco pretty soon. He'll spend a night there then flies off back to London.

This has been his fifth visit here - the last 4 to perform at the Rogue Festival... and he's planning to return again next year. (If you haven't yet... here is an article The Fresno Bee wrote on Kien this year.) It was great having him here... I will look forward to his return. He has been my touchstone and continuum to my past and early youth in Malaysia... in the present. Something that was really missing in my life for 20 odd years. There is a certain comfort in that. Helps make me feel less "alien" than I sometimes do.

Don't get me wrong. I have carved out a good life out here and I have wonderful friends who accept me for who I am... mostly... lol. But there are times when I am more aware of being the expat that I am. So, having a touchstone like Kien (whom I grew up with) feeds the need for that "special" comfort of home that I crave sometimes. Sort of like having that 'special dish that grandma" used to cook in her own unique way brings that sense of home to us.

Anyway, I get home and realize that I've left Skype on from chatting with a friend earlier in the day. There is a message from another friend from home... Mike, who has tracked me down via the internet. It reads...

"...need to get in touch with you fairly quickly. Someone wants to stage Frogway in KL, credible people. My email..."

Mike? Frogway? Talk about a blast from the past! Mike and I wrote Frogway together in 1980. We wrote as the "M&M Song Factory". It was staged in 1981 in Malaysia and then in 1984 here in Fresno to sold out audiences. It was the first play I had written... and it was a musical about a singing frog. Think of it as an amphibious "Star is Born".

So, I ring Mike via Skype and we chat for about an hour. Catching up and talking shop about Frogway. Laughing about the fact that our names are unique enough that Google search brings us up instantly.

Now Mike is one of the premiere jazz pianist in Malaysia... dare I say internationally. (Really, this cat is quite the phenom.) You can get a bit of a sense of the awe he inspires by reading THIS. It was a wonderful conversation and looks like we will be working together again after a 27 year break. It's something I'm really looking forward to. We also casually floated ideas about some other projects... plus, he may come perform in the Rogue next year. This could mean the return of the "M&M Song Factory". (Perhaps I need to brush up on my lyric writing.) It was great to reconnect again and it felt like it was just yesterday that we last spoke.

So, I said goodbye to one friend today (more of a "see ya soon") and hello to another. Both (in fact, Mike and Kien used to play together in several bands) returning from a different life I lived in the past to further enrich my present.

EDIT: 5:27 PM
Gotta go anytime... anywhere... this is what you need!


Sunday, March 18, 2007

time wasters and other stuff!

It's been a good weekend. Nothing spectacular but a good one.

I was glad I didn't venture out last night. Judging from all the police sirens I heard while I was at home... probably a prudent move. Between all the DUI checkpoints that were setup and folks getting their "irish on" I think staying home was best. Besides. it gave me the opportunity to catch up on the episodes of "Heros" that I had missed over the past weeks.

Another short post.

Check out these time wasters to start your week:


Saturday, March 17, 2007

2 playwrights chatting

Last night, after catching up with a friend on her return from New Zealand I ran into fellow playwright, Ross Howard who fielded 2 shows at the recent Rogue Festival. This one & this one... both excellent plays in my book ( I saw them both in my quest to seek out original works during the festival). I was actually on my way home but just couldn't pass up the opportunity to commiserate with someone who I think is a bright emerging talent in this waning field.

Ross is English and came to this country to pursue an MFA in playwriting. Curious... considering that he hails from the land of the Bard.

I cannot really explain what fun and how much of a luxury this was for me. It is rare in these parts to come upon a fellow comrade in the trenches to share ideas with... especially one who is open to sharing without the (natural) paranoia of their ideas being stolen. (This is a malady that often plagues many in our craft... lol.)

We chatted about all sorts of things. A light dissection of each other's shows (he had also come to see mine and I his)... working techniques (discovering to our delight that our process is similar)... discussions of playwrights works we (both) admired... our mentors (and we share a couple) ...and future plans and projects we are considering. It was also a joy to be able to chat with someone who shares a common "blue collar" attitude to the work.

We both agreed that theatre is first and foremost a "gig"... and some of it transcends to evolve into art... that the over analysis emphasized in academia has taken the gig out of it which in turn perpetuates the perception that it is inaccessible to regular folk. (Then, they wonder why they can't get an audience.) Instead of mutual support and encouragement... too often in this world of theatre (sadly, more true than not) folks get caught up in a competitive back-stabbing, holier-than-thou snob attitude that really does no one any good and only contributes to the further erosion of the craft... simply because they buy into the idea that everything they create is art.

It was so refreshing (and encouraging) to be able to converse with someone in a "common language". The language of the theatre is common enough among practitioners of the craft but there does exist various "dialects" within this small (and ever shrinking) world. Chatting with actors about a show is quite different than speaking with designers, etc. To be able to converse with a fellow playwright for me presented the unique opportunity to speak in "short-cuts" brought about by a common understanding through the labor of our work that does not require explanation... like two carpenters discussing the best techniques for dovetails without explaining what a dovetail is.

We even half jokingly chatted about spearheading an "indie garage theatre" movement... not unlike the indie garage band or indie film movements that have done so much to refresh those forms over the recent years. Perhaps that is what is needed... to bring a sense of rock n roll back to theatre. Strip away the "jizz" and and allow the works to really sing through performance without the distractions of unnecessary "production value".

I stayed out longer than I thought I would last night... but returned home happy, rejuvenated and much encouraged by the conversations that transpired between Ross and I. It was nice... akin to running into a fellow countryman from the same village in a foreign land.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Da Count - My Uncle Desi


Desmond Churme passed away last Saturday peacefully after a long illness. I received the news on Sunday via email. Uncle Desi worked for the Malayan Railways for most of his life. He was married to Ruth, my mother's youngest sister. A stalwart character with a hearty laugh, Uncle Desi was a good husband and father to 4 children. He was a fan of country music from the generation of Skeeter Davis and Jim Reeves... while the rest of my uncles were more into jazz. I will always remember his gentle rough-housing with us kids who would always squeal with delight when he did. He had a quiet generosity and an unfailing support of all things family... including the various extended ones. A man who did the right thing... simply because it was the right thing to do. My scanner is on the fritz at the moment or you would have also gotten a picture of him. Uncle Desi made it count for everyone around him without any fuss... and his memory (which is followed with a smile) is my count today.

To find out more about Da Count... click the flashing sign above.

EDIT: Check THIS out (if you haven't see it already.) Run the trailer to Mel Gibson's "Apocolypto" ... about 70% into it... pause it at the screeching monkey. Then hit the reverse arrow (about 6 frames and you'll see what I'm talking about.) OK... the question is... who finds these things and why? LOL!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The simple joy of....

... standing under the gushing water of a shower. I thought about this yesterday as I was taking one. This is especially so when the force of the water is strong. I just stood there allowing the force massage my back. Moving my body ever so slightly just so it would leave no spot untouched. Taking in the solace that comes in this simple act of washing away the grime of the day. Then to emerge... dry off and feel both invigorated and relaxed.

It's the simple joys we take for granted that I am starting to be both aware of and enjoy again. Today I caught myself staring out the open door of my office as birds hopped and pecked through the overgrown patches that was my vegetable garden 2 Summers ago. I sat watching them pick at this and that... part of their job for the day. Focused and deliberate in every hop and peck... intent on the task at hand. There is a lot of weeding to do before I plant. Plant I shall this year as the whether is too perfect not to. Cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers are in the planning at the moment. I may add one or others that I have not ventured to yet before. Hopefully, this Summer will bring a bounty of fresh crispy meals from this overlooked and overgrown patch.

The simple joys... those everyday things that we can so easily take for granted... what have you re-appreciated of late?


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bad blogger...

... I have been. Not posting. Not visiting. So, now it's back to regular life... (along with the blogging) I must apologise to all those who come here on a regular basis.... especially the folks who do Da Count. I will catch up on the visits.

I woke up this morning with the intent of getting some chores done around the homestead... but it turned out to be a lazy day. I just wanted to do as little as possible... and did.If I hadn't have to go out for dogfood and toilet paper I would have lounged around all day just staring into nowhere.

Thats all for now... a short post. Cheers!


Sunday, March 11, 2007

To quote a line from Tale End... "We are done."

I feel good... better than James Brown. Rogue 2007 went well. There seemed to be a significant spike in audience attendance. Performers from far and near seemed to be on a buzzed high from their participation. In general the caliber of shows was very impressive. After 6 years I think it has finally arrived.

Both my shows did well. Suicide Lounge was quite a popular show. For something that was thrown together as a lark... after our last performance we were offered a 2-3 week gig in a jazz club in Shanghai! How freaky is that? You can read about some of it here at fellow SF blogger Generik who turned up for the final weekend. There are some pictures there too!

Tale End sold out 3 of it's 5 shows. Those who said they would turned up... others didn't... but it's all good. I was especially proud of the last 2 performances. When the lights went out on stage the audience sat in stunned silence for a good 5-10 seconds before the applause rolled high. We all went into this knowing full well that audiences would like it or hate it... and that proved true. Here are some of the reviews and a new post!

New friends were made... old friends reacquainted and it was also time to say goodbye to a friend and fellow founder of the festival. She headed out today for a new life back East.

I'll leave it at that for now and here are some pictures. Speaking of pictures... there are more on this year's fest HERE as well... including a cool Flikr slideshow. Ahh... now back to real life!

Click for bigger versions.
Suicide Lounge (stolen from Generik)

With friends at the Starline

Lines around the block for our final performance.

The Golden Plunger Award (no turds involved)

Tale End (pic by Brad Polzin)

Post final performance tailgate for Tale End with the Green Faerie

Saying good bye to Mama Rogue Jenn.

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

Da Count - Rogues, one and all... cont.


It goes without saying that many pour their love into this... it couldn't happen without them! Here are some faces and voices from a video put together by The Fresno Bee. If you come back later in the AM... there'll be more links to peruse. In the meantime, enjoy the video.

To find out more about Da Count click the flashing sign.

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So, if you want to read...

... reviews to the play so far. Go HERE!

BTW.... we sold out a 10 PM Wednesday performance. Chide me all you want for my marketing... B.I.T.S. (Butts In The Seats)... is the bottom line... then you can sell a good play or art to them.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

while I'm waiting for the laundry...

... I thought I'd take the opportunity to write a post.

First off the bat... if you are in the big NO... Tale End plays tonight at 10 PM. If you are in line you may be randomly picked to go in FREE!

Thoughts have been floating of late. Some concerning the Rogue some concerning the show but mostly those concerning how this year has (as I predicted) to be one of letting go.

In one weekend I let go of this festival as well as my play. Yes I am still a promotion demon for both but I have released both of them from my steely grip to where they should be... to the public and to my cast. A sense of melancholy hovered this morning as I thought about this. Not because I yearn for them back but the process will be missed. Now to set out to find some new trouble to engage in.

I have received interesting reactions to the show. Friends who have known me for more than a 5 year span accept it as a natural progression of my own evolution. Friends who have known me for less than 5 years are having reservations about its style and content. They seem to have expected something broader with a touch more razzmatazz. Probably because they are comparing it with some of my earlier works that have encompassed that quality and feel my work should continue in that vein. So, they have walked in with an expectation that has been projected onto the show that does not payoff and have left a little disappointed. People who don't know my work from Adam have come out raving about the show.

I have never been one to stick to a genre or style simply because I get bored when there is no challenge. What is next? Who knows. For now I'm happy with what is. Doesn't mean I'm not going to tweak it but all the choices subtle or garish in the show at the moment are justified and full.

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Monday, March 5, 2007

My impressions...

... of the first weekend? Hmmm... this is gonna be an interesting one to write. Do I write this as an ex-producer of the Rogue... as a current independent producer & performer... or just an audience member? Decisions, decisions....

It's probably going to be all over the place... so, bear with me on this one.

First... the picture to your right is the actual line waiting for a 4 PM performance on a Sunday! I heard the line for our opening performance was triple that and chairs were added and that over 30 people had to be turned away. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that.

Opening night was fraught with technical glitches... but the cast pulled through. The Sunday show was good. Audience members walked away walked away with what we wanted them to walk away with. You can read some of the responses HERE.

I have decided that the show that I'm actually performing in, Suicide Lounge, is going to do me in. Each of us average 3 drinks a piece during a 45 minute set... for me it is scotch rocks! But we do have fun... and I think the audience does too. It's sick and wrong with some great songs but they love it.

As an audience member... the festival is going well. It really is. people are teeming and buzzing and walking (in a hurried pace) from venue to venue. This year... there is an extra spark of newness that is spreading like a virus... be it from Rogue regulars to the new Rogue audience members. Our numbers are up... but these are all concerns that I don't have to deal with this year.

You can read about this from them HERE, HERE & HERE. Oh, there is more... but I thought these would give you a taste. Plus a couple of local papers in town have gone out full bore with reviews on their blog.

Am I proud? Yes. Nuff said.

Once again... my blogging may be spotty... but I will try to get it all in. Oh, yeah... pictures too!

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Sunday, March 4, 2007

So, how did it go?

We SOLD OUT our opening performance. (Chairs had to be added) There were technical glitches... but the stellar cast pulled it off in grand style.

We've got a show this afternoon at 4 PM.

Updates later.


Thursday, March 1, 2007

Da Count - Rogues, one and all!


It begins today. Where over 6 years ago no-one wanted anything to do with us... it is now the biggest of it's kind on the West coast! Counts go all around for this one.
  • To the small ragtag group of founders... you jumped into this insanity and showed this town the wonders of the possible. Yeah, I catch a lot of press and credit for it... but know that I never fail to mention YOU... because without YOUR dedication, love and efforts in those early days... it would have only remained an idea. This creation was ours... and will always remain that.
  • To the waves of folk who joined after... you embraced and added to the idea. You have brought it further than anyone of us could have. It is you who will continue to nurture it and make it live. Some of you have come and gone but your efforts are still glowing bright.
  • To our early nay sayers... you really provided us with the extra energy and inspiration not to prove you wrong... but to prove that life is about possibilities and realizations.
  • To the city that is home to the Rogue... yes, you are still a little befuddled but you also have begun to celebrate us celebrating the multitude of talent that calls this place home. Cheers to that!
  • To the performers and artists who have taken a chance... you are the reason the Rogue exists. Your talent moves and inspires. You make real the wonders of the possible.
  • To the snobs who still want to have nothing to do with us... read the part about nay sayers.
I am posting early because I will be out and about at the big kick-off! Cheers & Rogue On!
To find out what Da Count is all about click the flashing sign.

3 Articles in the paper today! HERE, HERE, & HERE! Plus they will be blogging their reviews of shows HERE. And they even posted a video HERE. And THE ROGUE REPORT is HERE!

With all this plus a TV station with a news story on last night's broadcast... ya think folks would actually know that this is happening.

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