Da Count - the time we have

This week I was once again reminded of the fleeting nature of time. The Goodbye Hello post touched on it so have other recent personal observations and experiences. But it is just how fast the days pass from one to the next that really brings these thoughts to the forefront.
I have observed (and been party to) time spent between parents and children, strangers, friends and lovers and I see varying levels of values that exist within and without. I used to consider it linear continuum (in the earlier more "invincible" days of my youth) with notches or beads that indicated personal highlights or devastation's. The spaces in between were of little consequence. (Sometimes known as the "I'm going to live forever" syndrome.) Later that was replaced with "the cluster" of using every spare second... simply because any "space" meant waste. (This is "the end ain't that far away" syndrome.)
Over the last few years I have gradually grown into the "quality" stage. Not just with making the effort to spend "quality" time... but coming to the realization that it is ALL quality time. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the busy, the lazy, the exciting the mundane... it all matters. Weather socializing with friends or breakfast with Mum or working obsessively on a project or lazing alone watching the birds outside pecking in the grass... it is all vital and precious to the complete experience of life. Suddenly the perception of "wasted time" becomes moot because it is all quality... it is all essential... it all matters... it is all vital... it all counts.
So, this week I'm counting time (no pun intended). Time (our friend) has taught me that it is never too short... only life is. We can choose to spend it chasing for an extension or simply live what we have to the fullest. What we choose to do (or not do) with the ration of time we've been bestowed is where (in my humble opinion) the true quality of living resides... only we can determine the grade of that.
And my time the last couple of days has been spent sprucing THIS up. How do you like it? (Not that you asked but... I like it a lot more and think it's a vast improvement over what was.
Go ahead... click here to play it! ... featuring Ilsa, Sam & Rick.
If you want to find out what Da Count is all about... click the flashing sign above.
EDIT: 3:33 PM, Friday
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