The simple joy of....

It's the simple joys we take for granted that I am starting to be both aware of and enjoy again. Today I caught myself staring out the open door of my office as birds hopped and pecked through the overgrown patches that was my vegetable garden 2 Summers ago. I sat watching them pick at this and that... part of their job for the day. Focused and deliberate in every hop and peck... intent on the task at hand. There is a lot of weeding to do before I plant. Plant I shall this year as the whether is too perfect not to. Cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers are in the planning at the moment. I may add one or others that I have not ventured to yet before. Hopefully, this Summer will bring a bounty of fresh crispy meals from this overlooked and overgrown patch.
The simple joys... those everyday things that we can so easily take for granted... what have you re-appreciated of late?
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