while I'm waiting for the laundry...

First off the bat... if you are in the big NO... Tale End plays tonight at 10 PM. If you are in line you may be randomly picked to go in FREE!
Thoughts have been floating of late. Some concerning the Rogue some concerning the show but mostly those concerning how this year has (as I predicted) to be one of letting go.
In one weekend I let go of this festival as well as my play. Yes I am still a promotion demon for both but I have released both of them from my steely grip to where they should be... to the public and to my cast. A sense of melancholy hovered this morning as I thought about this. Not because I yearn for them back but the process will be missed. Now to set out to find some new trouble to engage in.
I have received interesting reactions to the show. Friends who have known me for more than a 5 year span accept it as a natural progression of my own evolution. Friends who have known me for less than 5 years are having reservations about its style and content. They seem to have expected something broader with a touch more razzmatazz. Probably because they are comparing it with some of my earlier works that have encompassed that quality and feel my work should continue in that vein. So, they have walked in with an expectation that has been projected onto the show that does not payoff and have left a little disappointed. People who don't know my work from Adam have come out raving about the show.
I have never been one to stick to a genre or style simply because I get bored when there is no challenge. What is next? Who knows. For now I'm happy with what is. Doesn't mean I'm not going to tweak it but all the choices subtle or garish in the show at the moment are justified and full.
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