I use to be able to multi-task...

For instance, today I was working on graphics. At 11:30 I get a call reminding me of a meeting that is taking place close by. I go to the meeting which takes all of an hour. I get back to the computer to continue working. It takes me forever to get going again and all the time I'm sitting looking at the work on the screen with in a funky daze. I know what needs to be done... and I'm thinking about it the entire time... but getting it going only happens an hour and a half later. Use to be zip... zip... kaboom! Being aware of that... I've actually consciously veered clear of any distractions of late... especially TV.
EDIT: 10:34 AM
Boy does blogger suck ass today. I'm so glad I moved mine to my own server. Yeah,... OK... you caught me. Yes, this IS a blatant commercial for Jungle Webs. Really, your own domain and hosting for under $5.60 a month!
And on to other news... I just got called for a photoshoot with the local paper. Yet, another distraction... because I have to make myself pruty instead of looking like death warmed over... shit, that takes hours! Plus, I have to get Kien's room ready. Looks like graphics work will go well into the night.
Labels: work
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