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Location: California, United States

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I gave myself the day off...

... even though I have a crap load of graphic work still to do. I may get cracking on it later tonight... today I allowed myself the down time. Yeah, I was basking in the afterglow of the previews. (Ya got to allow yourself that once in a while.)

Plus it was a rainy morning and cozying up in bed just seemed too good to pass up. It's something I hadn't done in a while... just loll and enjoy the stillness as the pitter-patter of the rain falls outside. My thoughts... they were private. Some memories... some of the present... mostly warm floaty images.

Tonight and probably most of tomorrow is work. Work that I want off my hands with completion. Then it will be more work but at a less frenzied pace.

I was thinking about something I said a couple of times last night. "If I should die... the show goes on." It's curious. I have always been aware of my mortality and it is not something that I shy away from. If nothing else... I embrace it. Heck, it's going to happen sometime... why worry about it? Make the time I have count... and I've tried to do that daily. Not out of a sense of legacy but because there are wonderful opportunities at every instant... why not grab them and enjoy what is?

Which brings us back to my lazy morning. There was a time I would have looked upon that as a "useless inactivity"... it's only of late that I have learned to savour the silence and enjoy the moments of stillness that life affords us. Sometimes we have to allow the impact of our efforts to sink in... and enjoy that for a bit.



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