Don't they realize that it eventually gets back to my ears?

"Why are you laughing?"
"I'm used to it."
"What was said about you was pretty brutal!"
"I'm used to it."
"What was said about you was pretty brutal!"
I explained to my friend that I've headed several endeavours over time and when one does, one just has to accept the fact that "Bagging on the Boss" is going to occur. It really doesn't matter if the boss is Donald Trump or Mother Teresa... there's still going to be a fair amount of backroom bitching going on. It's an international past-time... probably occurs more often and a lot longer than sex. Come on, we've all done it! (Heck, we even do it on our blogs.) It usually begins with phrases like...
"Can you believe what (Insert Boss Name Here)..."
"(Insert Boss Name Here) is fucking insane because..."
and my all time favorite...
"Let me tell you the next time (Insert Boss Name Here)... "
"(Insert Boss Name Here) is fucking insane because..."
and my all time favorite...
"Let me tell you the next time (Insert Boss Name Here)... "
Then the diatribe begins. The way I see it... if it is shared with co-workers and they commiserate... it's a form of organization bonding. If nothing else, it's venting of frustration. It doesn't matter how great the outfit you're working for... frustration is going to occur and the easiest target is whomever is in-charge.
The other thing I've learned over time is that it will eventually reach the ears of the one being bitched about. (If it doesn't... that in-charge person is delusional and totally out of touch... in which case, deserves what is being bitched about them.) That's been true... at least in my case. There is very little that goes on that I don't eventually find out about. I also know this goes along with the territory of being the in-charge person. (Mainly because people can't keep confidences shared with them.) I have never taken it personally and hardly ever hold it against the person... not because I'm particularly thick-skinned.
Simply because I understand:
* I'm not perfect... I have done my fair share of bitching too.
* I never demand something of anyone that I am not willing to demand of myself.
* The person's assigned task fell short of being accomplished... so, someone needs to be blamed.
* When I am wrong... I almost always cop to it.
* I'm never always right... but I'm very seldom wrong.
The other thing I've learned over time is that it will eventually reach the ears of the one being bitched about. (If it doesn't... that in-charge person is delusional and totally out of touch... in which case, deserves what is being bitched about them.) That's been true... at least in my case. There is very little that goes on that I don't eventually find out about. I also know this goes along with the territory of being the in-charge person. (Mainly because people can't keep confidences shared with them.) I have never taken it personally and hardly ever hold it against the person... not because I'm particularly thick-skinned.
Simply because I understand:
* I'm not perfect... I have done my fair share of bitching too.
* I never demand something of anyone that I am not willing to demand of myself.
* The person's assigned task fell short of being accomplished... so, someone needs to be blamed.
* When I am wrong... I almost always cop to it.
* I'm never always right... but I'm very seldom wrong.
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