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Location: California, United States

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Which Lecram is this anyway?

As I was out and about last night I ran into several people. (Always a pleasant thing.) Anyway it got me thinking (very dangerous when that happens... keep the flammables away) that each one that I met has known me in a different context because (as it were) I wear many hats.

In medieval times people were assigned titles such as ,,, Richard the Lionhearted, etc... that sort of defined their place in history. So here are some that I have compiled for myself in the context that a few around here identify me as...

Lecram the Obscure Playwright - this one has been more true over the last 5 years. I used to crank those puppies out (and known as Lecram the Prolific)... until about 5 years ago. Still, I do have about 52 to my name and unless a Mack truck has my name on it tomorrow... there will be more coming soon.

Lecram the Disco Dancer - this was back when I was young and stupid. Enuff said.

Lecram the Rogue Dude - Yeah, I'm (still) known as that when I go out in public these days. People still come up to me and chat and "work" me because they think it is going to score them points in some way or another. The thing is I'm not in charge anymore... and even when I was... I'm chronically objective. But, it's nice and I have learned to be gracious over the years without making any promises. Then there is the variation...

Lecram the In-Charge Rogue Dude - now this is from the inner circle. OK... me and a few others started and ran this thing over a few years... but we are not in-charge anymore. Yes, things are changing and one of the reasons I stepped out is that things MUST change. If the Rogue is to survive and thrive it cannot be associated with one person or small group of "has beens". It's evolvolving. It has to be anm entity unto itself. "How it used to be" ain't how it's gonna be. Think outside the box... think bigger. Yes, there will be growing pains... but if it is to be... then it should be on it's own merit.

Lecram the Friend - I am a stalwart friend. I am also a very objective friend... sometimes to my my own detriment. The reason being that I often work with a lot of my friends. I actually can separate friendship from business... many can't. So, as a result I get cast as the ogre in a lot of situations just because I can make that separation where others choose to take it personally. Case and point... I found a better replacement for me in Suicide Lounge... and gladly so.

Lecram the Listener - Really, there is information that I know that I really should not (and need not) know about people. Yes, I actually listen. I don't jump to conclusions or make harsh judgments. If it is important to... I actually find out the other side of the story. I'm funny that way.

Lecram the Generous - I can be to a fault.

Lecram the Frugal - Yeah, I am. Why pay more if you don't have to? This is also byproduct of being Lecram the Starving Playwright and Lecram the Broke.

Lecram the Insecure - Aren't we all in some aspect of our lives?

Lecram the Morty - It's Morty... it ain't me. Morty is totally a cold heartless MOFO... but it's always business.

So, these are some I have come up with. I'm sure there are more that are unflattering and I have blocked out of my rabid infested mind. Which Lecram do you know... or which Lecram do you want to know about? And more importantly... which YOU is the prevailing YOU at the moment?

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Monday, July 30, 2007

It occured to me today...

... that I really should rearrange my days. (Brilliant, Lecram!) Well, in order to maximize getting things done. Trouble is I've been waking up the last 3 or 4 nights at 3 AM. Not sure what this is all about. Then I slip back into slumber at 4:30 or 5 to awake at 7:30 or 8. It sort of just throws off the schedule and pace of my day that I had. Still, I'm not too concerned (yet) as some life transitions are happening. Nothing bad... just a matter of readjusting.

I actually got quite a few household chores complete before 11 AM today. Had ambitions for some other things to happen but those kinda fell by the wayside. Nothing drastic that will shake up the world but still... I do have to rethink my scheduling. On the upside... I took a business meeting this evening and may have landed gig. (I'll know tomorrow.) Nothing to retire on but a good beginning that hopefully will become more lucrative as time wears on.

On to other things...

After my business meeting I spent some time catching up with a musician friend of mine. Had a couple of beers and just casually jabbered about this and that. We have run into each other and done the 5 minute "Yeah, how's it going" thing but this is the first time in a long while where we have actually been able to chat without either one of us "having" to be some place else or entertaining company when we met.

The rest of the week (socially) is looking pretty full too. An old friend is in town and we have planned some catch-up time... also true with an former workmate. There is Suicide Lounge rehearsals and 2 video shoots (one possible paying gig)... so, suddenly my evenings are being booked up. Now that hasn't happened in quite a while.

So, for now... there are lots of little delights to look forward to. My vlog this coming week should have some fun footage as I plan on recording some of my comings and goings. I'm actually trending to calling them "vlogumentaries" - what do you think?

Hope your week is starting off well.

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

My First Vlog

I may do this once a week... remember, I said may.

EDIT: Monday, 1 PM
Well, last night was fun. I think all in all everyone that came had a good time. There may be some footage on my next vlog.

BTW... haloscan is still a little buggy and has been eating up comments... just saying. Hope they work it out soon.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

a silly thought reoccured tonight...

Watch this clip from My Fair Lady...

... now substitute "Show Me" for "Blow Me". I used to (and still do) laugh myself blue just thinking about this.

Ah... the simple joys of a fevered rabid mind.

EDIT: 11 AM, Saturday
So, once again I am thinking about changing my blog.

OK, Lecram... what the hell is this about? Didn't you already change it on your birthday this year?

Yeah, welll...

Yeah, well what?!

Look, I started with blogspot... I like it... but...

But what?

Hey, I like it so much I even moved it (this new version) to my own server!

Yeah, and?

The bigger blogger/blogspot becomes... the more hiccupy it gets. Plus with haloscan, blogroll, and other third party blog toys I use... it has the tendency to bog down the upload on the browser.

You're jumping to wordpress, aren't you?

Well... maybe. See, with my deluxe hosting at Jungle Webs I get a whole 100 gigs of server space. On top of that, wordpress is one of the free add-ons that installs EASILY on it!


I haven't decided yet. There is also Joomla to consider. It's another add-on that I'm really interested in. Plus, it's a CMS and most of the websites are going that way. It'll be a good excuse to get to learn it and perhaps set up a blog on it.

OK... whatever. Just remember... you have some gigs coming up.

Exactly. I think learning Joomla is going to make me more marketable.

Like I said... whatever. What about that vlog you were going to start.

I'll get right on it after I mop the house.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Da Count - sharing the blame


Well, the interview is now on Fresno Famous. Go ahead... read it... I'll wait.



Done? OK. After reading it today, it brought to mind my count for this week. It is "the many" who over the years have bought into my insane schemes and made them happen. From mounting the odd wacky plays... to backyard theatre... to a theatre company... to an arts festival... to some other projects, activities and events that I'll remain silent on for the moment. But without them none of it would have been accomplished. I could name all of them but it would take easily a year if I started now. It just goes to prove that no one is an island and that things can happen when people pull together. That whole "village" thing that was bandied about some years ago happens to be true. Whether it be in the personal, professional or practical parts of our lives.

So, to those of you who have... and those who may not know you have... please know that you count. Not just on my crazed schemes... but to everyone around you in your everyday lives. I am not foolish (or vain) enough to think that these accomplishments are mine alone... they are ours. And this is hardly the end. Cheers!

To find out what Da Count is all about click the flashing sign above.

Oh, BTW... the HNT shot below was done straight... no photoshop magic in that one except for cropping out the barbecue. The setup took all of 5 minutes.

If you are in and around the Big NO this weekend come see THIS & THIS. Here is the promo video again just to goose you along.

More later... perhaps,

EDIT: 11:30 AM, Friday
So, I just got done having lunch with Mum. While I was doing so I flip open the newspaper (which I rarely do) and lo and behold... the interview is right there (picture and all) in the entertainment section. I left there for her to read if she so desires to.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

sitting and biding my time - HNT!

sometimes it's all you can do.
Cheers and Happy HNT!

* EDIT: Haloscan is being hiccupy to day. If you come by and want to leave a comment and Haloscan is being a bugger... click HERE!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I did something tonight...

I haven't done in a long time. I went for a bike ride at 10 PM. That is the wonderful aspect about most Summer nights in the big NO... they are balmy and perfect for something like that. Riding around my neighborhood in the dark of night... then getting home to a tall glass of iced tea. Perfect.

If you are a regular visitor you would have noticed that I rarely do memes, etc. When I do it is usually something that really tickles my fancy. In this case I couldn't pass up the Schmooze Award that the always delightful Lime kindly bestowed upon me... and I am honored and flattered. She also said that I qualified for the Creative Blogger Award. So, I'm nicking both awards to bestow upon 5 bloggers in each category... then they can pick 5... and so on and so forth. (I think that's how it works.) Though I am not going to hold any to it... they may or may not choose to keep it going. I am also going to try not to do repeats from her post or mine (per award).

::drumroll:: And the POWER OF SCHMOOZE award goes in no particular order to...

Airplanejayne: Apart from being a fine human being in real life (with those wild ranch BBQ's), APJ is quite the schmoozer in the blogosphere. She thinks she is being sly but I've spied her on many an occasion come over to surf my blogroll. She is not the only one but she actually makes contact more than anyone I know. if that is not schmooze... what is?

Tish: A delight (and quite the hottie) whom I actually spent breaking in the New Year's with once via chatting... I think has one of the widest circle of blog friends around. She is actually involved in a Blogathon this Saturday to raise funds for the Glaucoma Foundation (click here for details) so go by and support a good cause. You really have to be an ace schmoozer to do something like that.

Jay: She is a fabulous writer whose blog I came across not too long ago and I have been hooked ever since. Really she easily qualifies for the next award as well. Though I put her here mainly because the numbers in her comment section are so impressive. One of the few bloggers I know of who can make an entire colorful world so vivid just from a simple walk around her city neighborhood.

Osbasso: The Grand Emperor of HNT. Need I say more? The man started a movement and has met several personally on his travels. Sure, he usually frequents and comments on the sites of those of the female persuasion... but seriously, can you blame him? That's schmooze!

Barry: He is a fringe performer friend who is currently criss-crossing Canada on tour bringing his funny and droll shows to 9 Fringe Festivals this Summer. Not sure about blog schmooze but you really have to see this guy work a line waiting for a show. His adventures on this tour is being chronicled on his blog (a fun read BTW) and he also seems to have a strange obsession for bathroom signs.

::drumroll:: And the CREATIVE BLOGGER AWARD goes in no particular order to...

Heather: Her photographs are stunning and here is someone who could easily define blogging as an art form. She expresses in almost a stream of consciousness and sometimes dreamy surreal way all (or at least most) of what is her life. Often cryptic... yes... but you never miss the poetry of emotions that flow from her.

Cosima: This German expat lives in Hong Kong and shares a unique perspective of that and her life with a sometimes arresting candor. Yet there is a constant inquisitive nature that draws her visitors in with the warm embrace of sharing to where her delight of discovery becomes ours.

Zonthar: He has been a long time friend... though I will say (and this is totally unbiased) that he probably holds more talent in his little finger than most of the strutting peacocks in the business deemed "talent" all put together. He really should blog more because when he does he totally enthralls. Go over, give him a read and goose him to do more.

Kfarmer: She will be the first one to refute this... but let me tell you this solid woman's life is art. Just read about her daily adventures on her farm growing vegetables, raising her chicks, hanging with dog, cooking up a mess and loving... and loving totally her brood... and you will get a sense of what I speak of. She truly creates with the elegance of simplicity.

Kien: One of my oldest friends in the world. Just listen to his music... that part is obvious. But more importantly here is someone who has gone through hell and back and has never given up the joy of discovery or the drive to strive... that is the mark of a true creative.


EDIT: 10 PM, Wednesday
Thriller in Manila (prison). OK maybe not in Manila... but in the Philipines for sure. Talk about doing time creatively!
Philippine Prison Reenacts Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” Video

Add to My Profile | More Videos

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Monday, July 23, 2007

more shameless promotion (with an edit)

Yeah, I finish cutting this tonight... and the shows are coming up this weekend. So if you live around the big NO... come on down and catch these fine shows!

More in the AM... promise!

EDIT: 10:30 AM, Tuesday
I just sent off my responses of an email interview to Fresno Famous that will be featured on Friday (I think). Now, I either have to snap a pic or hunt for one in my archives. Hmm... I wonder if they will post a half nekkid one of me. LOL!

Also, I have to begin promotions on the next presentation of Rogue Year Round. Yes, it is going to be a barrage over the internet and probably going to annoy some on MySpace. Well, I'm not apologizing for it in advance because the whole exercise is to get Butts In The Seats. The point here is we are not just promoting to friends and supporters but also to potential newbies... and with the attention span these days people forget very easily. (That's just one of the many reasons... but no one asked choosing instead to throw barbs.) I'll have you know that the last promotional thrust pulled in at least two thirds of the paying audience who were exposed to anything Rogue for the very first time... and they had a bloody good time.

The Rogue was not created to be some sort of "insiders club" but something to be inclusive. What I really don't appreciate (for the Rogue in general) is certain "insiders" had chosen to air their disdain of my previous methods via blogs and comments... which is a public forum. Either support the event (by showing up) or don't (by not showing up). If you want to question my methods... shoot me an email (and I will patiently provide an explanation of the "whys") but airing it in a public forum (via the power of the internet) is just plain unprofessional and counter productive to all many are attempting to accomplish. I'm all for debate and discussion... and if you are an insider... lets keep it within the confines of a meeting (one on one or via email)... but snippy blogs and comments that are open to the public just smacks of juvenile attention seeking. There... I've said my peace and for the record, I don't hold any grudge or ill feelings about what transpired... just saying.

Now back to editing the many videos that are laying in wait.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

time is close the waiting closer to done

This is not only in reference to several upcoming projects... but also to several personal aspects of my life. Like for instance...

which I think is ready to be written. Yeah, this is the one about the terrorist chef. Ideas have floated enough in my rabid mind and fermented enough to commit it to paper. Should be a fun little ditty that involves real food. Now all I have to do is block out a chunk of time to plunge into my bliss. But that will have to occur right after a few...

that I have to complete for some clients. There is one I need to finish editing by tomorrow and another that will be reedited soon... but there are others in the works. In fact, I begin shooting one tonight that involves hot belly dancers and fire. Sure, hate me if you must. There are also some personal projects that I also want to shoot and cut. I'm actually thinking of getting into vlogging... perhaps as a weekend post... what do you think? Oh yeah, actually there have been a few other projects I have to cut sooner than soon. Like for instance, some of the footage from...

that will go into another promotional video for Suicide Lounge. BTW... Friday was a blast. (see slideshow below.) It was something I had been needing for a while. Being holed up for as long as I have been due to circumstances and obligations at the homestead has somewhat curbed my social life... so this change was a good one. I think everyone at the gig had a pretty good time... and so did I. Plus, a good time was had without the need to get blotto and be crass in order to have it. There was actually sparkling conversation, easy laughter, great live music and the random sarong wearer. That along with the fresh fruit, sangria and devil's brew proved to be quite refreshing. Thanks to all of those who added your shine to the festivities.

Anyway, the point is time ain't stranding still and neither can I. If something is working... forge ahead. If something isn't... try to fix it... and if it still isn't after that... at least I know I made the attempt and effort and move on. Hubris will only shrink and limit one's world... and there are too many wonders out there to take in with the sliver of time we are granted in this life.

Have a great week!

Perhaps more in the AM.


i needed that

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Da Count - hangin

The ability to just hang with friends without an agenda. That is becoming more and more of a luxury these days... so when the opportunity arises I jump at it. Like tonight, I got to hang with Solitaire and Kowboi and it was really nice to just shoot the shit and down the beers. No big production number planned... just sitting around enjoying each other's company... talking about this and that... just hanging. So, that is my count today... hangin... and I've really been needing it of late.

To find out what Da Count is all about... click the flashing sign.

EDIT: Found THIS STORY on Frogway linked to my latest Picture Daze post.

EDIT 2: Just a thought on the story in reference to me being/working from NY. (Sure, a couple of my plays have been done in Brooklyn... but still!) This is not the first time it has happened. On another occasion yet another writer had me living/working in SF. For some reason they seem to think that placing me (as a playwright) in these cities somehow adds a certain "gravitas" to my persona (or perceived quality of work) to the reading public. For the record... I have never ever in my 27 years here said that I lived/worked anywhere other than Fresno. I am proud to call this place my home... or I wouldn't still be living or working here.

EDIT 3: The widgets were fun but they were hanging up the page load of my blog. So, they are gone.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

HNT - past & future tense

Sometimes you just have to look both ways.

Cheers & Happy HNT!


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Picture Daze #10 - Frogway

(be prepared for several video views.)

Googling "Frogway the Musical" and here are a few things I came across. This picture (to the right) is the cast of the upcoming production for one. A fine looking bunch don't you think? The director is also an actor of renown. There is also a Malaysian Idol finalist and another emerging Pop Star as well as a former Miss Malaysia/Universe in the present cast. (Here are some other cast photos.) The power creative team includes the likes of a Musical Director who composed this and of course my always amazing collaborator Mike (seen here playing with... believe it or not... my cousin, Jeremy at a recent concert). Even a couple of the Malaysian tourism sites have it listed as an event. Dang... it's quite a change from 27 years ago.

If you have followed this blog you've been privy to how this project came up again... to part of this latest rewrite process and working again with Mike here & here. So, how did this all begin?

On... meeting Mike
Mike and I met through a mutual friend (David Lim aka Kien) who was playing in a couple of bands together - Windjammer & Vintage. (There may have been another club band but the name escapes me at the moment.) Being a student at the time (HSC) I was somewhat of a "hanger-on" for the most part. I think it was during one of the Jazz Festivals/Concerts that Mike used to organize, that he may have first really noticed me. On the day of the concert they were short a group to perform... so they cobbled something together with musicians from several of the existing groups and called themselves "Lost Hopes". I was called in at the last minute to narrate a story of sorts backed by the band... their cue to break off into an extended jazz jam was me finally ending the story with the words "lost hopes".

Mind you, the concert had already begun when I got a call at home that this was happening. I jumped into a taxi... got to the venue with 5 minutes to spare before having to be on stage... all the while Mike and David were talking me through the idea. Got on stage... music backing started, I did my thing and I think this Zappaesque experiment was pulled off. It was after this over roti chanai that Mike asked me if I was interested in putting words to a tune he was writing. Shortly after that I brought the idea of Frogway to him.

On... our original working methods
We would usually work at Mike's place of business. He was giving organ lessons and we would steal into one of the practice rooms to hash out the songs. Sometimes he had the tunes that I would lyric to and at other times it worked the other way around. I recall one afternoon within a 2 hour period we managed to crank out 3 complete songs. We went to a local coffeeshop right after to celebrate buzzing with excitement over what had just occurred. I remember Mike exclaiming "Sometimes I wish I had 3 or 4 hands so I can play all the musical parts!" To which I replied, "I'd just settle for the other one I have to be functional." Back then... and again recently our collaboration always involved a healthy dose of good natured jibing of each other and laughter.

On... the original production in Malaysia
Mike was leaving to attend the prestigious Berklee School Of Music in Boston. I was left back in Malaysia to attempt putting a production of the show together. The plan was when he came back for Summer holidays we would mount the show. In March of 1980 I received news that I was accepted to college in California. This ramped up my own efforts to get the play produced before the end of August.

There was a certain naive "let's put on a show" Andy Hardy quality to the beginnings of all of this. I recruited potential cast & crew members from college mates, boy scout friends and friends of friends. My cousin Anna Kronenberg had her own dance studio. She kindly allowed us the use of it for rehearsals - rent free... all we had to pay was the utility bills... and also agreed to choreograph the show.

Then things got a little complicated. We needed an already established organization to produce the show because of all the red-tape, permits, etc that was going to be involved. (I remember having to send the script to 7 government departments for approval.) This proved to be a challenge as none of the established local theatre folk were really willing to go in with a bunch of upstarts. We finally approached NAMEO who agreed to umbrella us... Mike and I borrowed money from our parents and we began nailing the production together.

Well, things were moving along pretty well... then 2 weeks before opening I was in a car crash and split my nose open. One of the lead dancers and promotions manager was also in the car. It could have been a set back but the show went on to open with the 3 of us injured jumping back onto the stage. Mike and Anna kept things going in rehearsals and probably fixed some of the more glaring major mistakes I had made as a first time director.

The show opened at the University Kebangsaan Auditorium, July 30, 1980 (I think). It played for 5 performances to a total audience of about 1500. (I think again) For the most part everyone had a good time and we fulfilled at least the requirement of entertaining them. The entire cast and crew was made up mostly of unknowns and first timers... all of whom put effort, energy and joy on that stage... and it showed. The reviews in the press were mixed to say the least. Each of the 3 newspapers had reviews that ranged from excellent... to fair... to scathing. After recovering production costs the profits were donated to a couple of charities.

On... the production in America
In Fall 1980 both Mike and I were studying on different coasts in America. In 1981, I had switched majors from journalism to theatre at which time I had shown the script to one of my Professors. A staged reading of that under the Playwrights Theatre program was mounted. After that, my professor, Edward EmanuEl mentored me on the rewrites. Structurally the script became a lot more sound and 4 more songs were added. Mike and I wrote those over the phone and used the US Postal Service quite a bit back then. The current revision was conducted via Skype.

The play was picked up for production by the University's Experimental Theatre Company in the Spring of 1983. It was directed by french student Eric Duret with musical direction by Robert Paul and choreography by Chris Mathias. The show played to 4 sold out performances in the Arena Theater California State University, Fresno.

Impressions of the show
Both the original in Malaysia and American productions had several common characteristics.
  • An infectious enthusiasm and charm.
  • A raging "can-do" attitude.
  • A good natured horny cast. LOL!
Both productions had their unique challenges. Though I can't help but feel that there is a certain vibe with this show that ultimately inspires those involved to go above and beyond. I don't think anyone has walked away from the show not being pleasantly surprised at how far their capability reached.

It's not Shakespeare... at best it is a bauble... but one with an infectious heart and soul that winks and dares the different... and the brilliant music sings that. I did however rediscover during the latest retooling, that the show does indeed have a special hard to be explained magic about it. I think both Mike and I have been happy to come across that on our paths again after 27 years.

To the cast and the crew of this upcoming "re-premier"... my sincere hope is that you too will find that magic... and hold on to it. It is that which all these years I have held on to in all the creative projects I have undertaken to date... and it continues to serve me well. In essence, Frogway 2007 really is a brand new show... but Mike and I took special care to preserve the original magic and charm in it.


To everyone who has been involved in this hopping joyous insanity over the years... a big THANK YOU. And Mike... once again thank you for throwing your trust to this quirky serani hanger-on so many years ago.

EDIT: August 6
I have created a FROG BLOG HERE! (Forgive me Lord for the bad rhyming couplet puns.)

EDIT: For other Picture Daze posts form my old blog CLICK HERE!

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Monday, July 16, 2007

still stalling for time...

... cuz the scanner is fritzy. While you wait (as if) here are a couple of public service announcements.

First off... if you happen to be in the Des Moines area... the Fringe Festival is coming up this week. Go see Mia and Starr in their shows... they are totally FAB! (Click their names for their MySpace pages.)
And if that wasn't already enough... mark your calendars for the next Rogue Year Round! Click the poster for readable info!

And if you haven't seen the video below yet... go ahead click it.

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

and while you wait for...

... my hardly anticipated Picture Daze post... enjoy this little ditty from "Jihad the Musical". Special props to my friend who sent me the link via email today.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

A couple of old features may return.

I've been meaning to bring back Picture Daze for a while now. First it's a great excuse to scan in those old slowly disintegrating photographs into digital format. Plus it also gives me an opportunity to record and share some stories. So, look out for that... probably tomorrow or Monday depending on when I can get the scanner to get working again. I'm thinking that perhaps this will occur at least every other week.

I was also reading last year's "Untitled 5-3-1" project (you may remember it as the Mina story) and am considering doing another one some time over the Summer. That story developed over 11 parts and was fun to do... plus it turned out OK. (Actually, it wouldn't be a bad movie.) If you missed it the first time out... HERE is the link to the first installment. I have yet to edit it but it's not too bad as is.

That's it for now. I've been working hard to make this a lazy day.

EDIT: Sunday, 10 AM
Slept in a little so I think I'll get some lunch ready before anything else is planned.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

OK... fine... HERE!

9 Short... but, eh... what the heck! Here torture yourselves with this.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Da Count - a break from the triple digits


It was a balmy 95 today... and it's slated to be 98 tomorrow. A welcome relief from the crazed triple digits that had a lot of folk cantankerous and/or crazed. Now it is a given living in this area that there are going to be triple digit days... but what recently passed was exceptionally oppressive. So, when the temps dropped... boy, was it welcomed with open arms. So, that is my simple count today... pleasant weather.

To find out what Da Count is all about click the flashing sign above.

* On YouTube Subscriptions - only 9 more to go! (see post below) UPDATED: 1:00 PM!
* Is that it? - If I'm so inclined... there is a good chance I just may extend this post later. So, look for the edit. Right now I have to go dumpster diving... don't ask.

EDIT: OK... if you live in and around the Big NO... a few of us are meeting at the Starline Grill, 7 PMish for "Tempt The Fates Friday the 13th". Yeah, its just a bad excuse to get together and have a few drinks... so, feel free to join us!


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

holding on - HNT

Sometimes, it's all you can do.

BTW... I will post an embarrassing video of me singing (horrendously) at my final performance with Suicide Lounge from a couple of weeks ago... IF... 20 or more people subscribe to my YouTube channel by 6 PM PST Friday, July 13! At the moment I have 18 subscribers... the magic number is 38! (2 post down is my latest video.) Just sayin...

Cheers and Happy HNT!

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so, a few weeks ago...

... I eluded to the fact that I had made some purchases. Well, here are pictures of the Canon HV 20 and the Canon s3 is that I got. The "getting to know you" period is still in progress and I am enjoying every minute of it. I am still only scratching the surface of these babies' capabilities... haven't been disappointed yet as to what they have done so far. This period of yet another learning curve also extends to the Adobe Premiere editing software that is on the new computer which is dedicated to just that.

These are not only for fun. I have decided to explore yet another medium of storytelling with them and hopefully also to create some cash-flow while doing so. Some of the results can be viewed in the post before this one. So, I'll be posting videos as I go along this ride here... but if you would like to subscribe to my YouTube channel... CLICK HERE. I also have an account at Daily Motion HERE.

I'm discovering that I really, really like cutting (editing) as a form of storytelling. Am I giving up theatre? Probably not. This just extends and varies what I do... and perhaps to a wider audience. Who knows... there could be some video HNTs up ahead. ::wink::

If you got the new iPhone... here is a blending question answered. I hope this finally puts that one to rest.

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Monday, July 9, 2007

I cut this today

It's a mini-doc of my artist friend Aileen

EDIT: This is the way to do it!


Sunday, July 8, 2007

I'm still cutting...

... video and have yet to put together my powerpoint presentation for Tuesday. Powerpoint... woo hoo! So I'm taking a little break at the moment just so I won't get all google eyed. I may even indulge in a bit of a nap just so I can get back to cutting with fresh eyes.

So, there's not going to be much of a post from me today. Perhaps you can catch up on what you missed over the weekend.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

this that and the other

The last three days has been a flurry of activity over at the homestead. I may have mentioned about 3 weeks ago how some good and wonderful folk have volunteered their time and effort to help with things around here so that it's more livable for Mum. Well, on the 4th the next work day began at 8 in the AM. The mission was to get the swamp cooler running again and the bathroom floor redone.

The swamp was accomplished by 10 the next day... but the bathroom will probably only be accomplished sometime Tuesday. These wonderful folk have (at the end of each day) put in a temporary floor and re-hooked the toilet so that Mum could use the facilities at night. It's all good and needed to be done as the water damage on the floor was more extensive than any of us would have guessed (leaky sink was the major culprit).

However, all this activity has thrown the schedule off and quite disorientated Mum. Not having the bathroom available while work was being done has also confused her quite a bit. I found her this morning standing in the kitchen in a stupor not knowing where to go. Also the flurry of activity has contributed a little to her ongoing obsession about the phantom "new house". It will take a little time, effort and reassurance to get her back into a routine and to get her locked back in to "homestead mode". No fault on any end... the work had to be done... and the upcoming efforts to get her back to feeling comfortable again will be as well. Plus she'll soon be able to go in a nicer and safer bathroom.

Oof, it's been bad. This current wave (which mercifully is ending soon) has really done a job with congestion issues all around. Adding to this is all the fireworks over the holidays that has only added even more to make the air in the bowl we live in heavier. Once again, no fault or finger pointing... heck, celebrations still have to take place, don't they? I took one of the stellar folk who was helping with the work being done out to dinner last night at a local Vietnamese noodle place. Just the ride there and back with the windows down did me in. Plans I had to go out and join some friends at a local watering hole last night literally went out the window. Here is hoping a small system comes in to blow all of this schmutz so that we can all breathe again more easily.

Hmm... I'm wondering if everyone around here would put in clean bags or filters into their vacuum cleaners and collectively turn them on outside in their yards... if that would help clean out the air a bit.

Perhaps more later...

She began reclaiming today by insisting on sweeping.

On another front... I don't care if they are cubs... this monkey has balls... and the ninja sound effects are fun too!

Monkey And The Tiger - Click here for the most popular videos

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Da Count - in the moment

There was something the lovely (and talented) Joy mentioned in her post about Sunday night that got my noggin cranking. She wrote about knowing that it was good but feeling emotionally numb. Strange, but I have often felt the same way... after it (whatever "it" might be) has happened. - only a few years ago I think I finally understood why... at least for me.

Very simply put... what was is over... it is not happening anymore. Like we actually expect some kind of instant-replay-best-of reel will hit us in vivid Technicolor accompanied by the swell of lump-in-the-throat soundtrack by the likes of John Willams! Godot ain't arriving. You see, the conventional collective psyche has pushed several ideas over and over again that frankly society has now been brainwashed by certain notions. NOTION 1: It's all about the goal. NOTION 2: Live your life to make memories. NOTION 3: If you do not have a rocking "afterglow" at the end... it (there's that "it" again) couldn't have been good.

How many have of us have ignored life as it was happening because of this? I confess that I bought into this whole package as well... until I realized one day that I was actually enjoying something WHILE I was doing it or WHILE it was happening. That "being in the moment" is not (for the most part) ground moving or earth shattering. Not unlike enjoying the company of a friend while it is happening... or savoring that meal as the taste explosions erupt in your mouth... or how heady the forest or the ocean can be just because you are there... or heck... even completing a post for your blog! It's easy... it's happening... it's now. There won't be an epiphany right after or an awards ceremony down the line. Have we been so programed to believe that if a "big movie moment" doesn't occur that the section of our lives we just experienced is of no consequence? Seriously, try to chronicle 5 minutes of your life tomorrow... heck, why wait... go for it today - every action, sensation, thought, observation, emotion, intent, etc... it may just astound you how much is actually happening.

So, my count is appreciating the moment as it is happening... even the not so pleasant moments because through each one we are made aware that we are indeed alive and living. It is true that some will be more memorable than others... but all of them are ours.

To find out more about Da Count click the flashing sign above.

BTW... if you live or are near the Toronto area... check out Barry's (Jesus In Montana) & Baba's (Rap Cantubury Tales) shows. They are fringe performer friends and their shows totally ROCK!


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

pondering independence - HNT

... how fragile it can be ... how easily it can be eroded without vigilance... by all means celebrate the ideals and principles today... but don't forget to claim and live them tomorrow.


EDIT: I'm adding this here (from 4 posts down)... just in case you missed it. It was one of the many highlights from our show on Sunday. Plus it sort of fits HNT. It's called "Ma Babee Stole Ma Butt".


and sometimes... thats just how it goes

If You Had A Bad Day - The most popular videos are here
so, did you laugh or feel compassion?


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

bracing for the triple digits...

... at least in Fahrenheit terms. Yep, the next week or so the temps are going to be scorching. They expect 102 today... 107 tomorrow and perhaps even 109 on Friday. Hmmm... I'm thinking a big bowl of gazpacho and a couple of watermelons in the fridge may just be the thing to do.

This also means that the daily routines... cleaning, cooking, etc... MUST absolutely occur before 10 or 11 in the AM. If I know what's good for me this will happen. I actually began that routine this morning... the laundry was crispy dry within an hour. Huh, could be a good time to do my bedding in the AM. I do so love sun dried clothes and sheets.

The other bad thing about the high pressure and the heat in this region is that the air gets heavy. Really, it becomes pretty unhealthy and respiratory maladies begin to abound. It is one of the few places in the world where people develop asthma later in life. Between the proliferation of pollen in the spring and fall... plus the dust and heavy air in Summer (yeah, you should have seen the mound that came just from the air condition filter when I cleaned it out today)... it just wears on the body after a while. So, staying indoors becomes an essential thing to do.

Though, to balance things off... the nights around here are gorgeous. The temps drop about 30 degrees to a balmy mid 70's or so. Perfect whether to sit around sipping on sangrias and munching on cold cut fruit. This activity is good with or without company to share the experience. Hmm... let me put mangos and a papaya on my shopping list. There... done.

I also have a huge presentation to give to folks in the arts community that I'm preparing for. ( O.K. it's not that huge but it could mean business potential down the line.) This amended routine will afford me uninterrupted time to get it all spiffy. Yeah, it involves cutting video, powerpoint, etc.

Anyway, I suppose I should get started. Oh, and have a safe and fun 4th y'all!

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Monday, July 2, 2007

a couple of highlights from last night

Oh yeah... the crowd was actually pretty decent last night... considering that it was a Sunday evening. We had a very short span of time to get the word out due to an administrative snafu. The promotional blitz seemed pretty effective... even though some of those we knew complained and took issue with it. Oh well... ya can't please everyone.

These are only 2 of several highlights of the evening. They are from the Suicide Lounge set. Once again, a big thank you to everyone involved... the members of Suicide Lounge, the cast of Tale End, the wonderful staff of the Starline, the box-office and tech staff and everyone in the audience who came out to support us and enjoyed an entertaining show.


the gig last night...

... was really good. Those who turned up to experience it had a good time. Those who didn't... too bad, they missed a good show. This one meant a lot to me on many fronts. It was my last performance with Suicide Lounge... for a while at least. For Tale End... well, to make a long story short... I have sold exclusive rights to the show to a more than worthy company. So, both are going on to bigger, brighter and better things.

It was fun nevertheless... here are some pics. None of tale end as photogman was too sucked into the whole deal.

EDIT: More pics

A big Thank You to everyone who made it possible.

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