Which Lecram is this anyway?

In medieval times people were assigned titles such as ,,, Richard the Lionhearted, etc... that sort of defined their place in history. So here are some that I have compiled for myself in the context that a few around here identify me as...
Lecram the Obscure Playwright - this one has been more true over the last 5 years. I used to crank those puppies out (and known as Lecram the Prolific)... until about 5 years ago. Still, I do have about 52 to my name and unless a Mack truck has my name on it tomorrow... there will be more coming soon.
Lecram the Disco Dancer - this was back when I was young and stupid. Enuff said.
Lecram the Rogue Dude - Yeah, I'm (still) known as that when I go out in public these days. People still come up to me and chat and "work" me because they think it is going to score them points in some way or another. The thing is I'm not in charge anymore... and even when I was... I'm chronically objective. But, it's nice and I have learned to be gracious over the years without making any promises. Then there is the variation...
Lecram the In-Charge Rogue Dude - now this is from the inner circle. OK... me and a few others started and ran this thing over a few years... but we are not in-charge anymore. Yes, things are changing and one of the reasons I stepped out is that things MUST change. If the Rogue is to survive and thrive it cannot be associated with one person or small group of "has beens". It's evolvolving. It has to be anm entity unto itself. "How it used to be" ain't how it's gonna be. Think outside the box... think bigger. Yes, there will be growing pains... but if it is to be... then it should be on it's own merit.
Lecram the Friend - I am a stalwart friend. I am also a very objective friend... sometimes to my my own detriment. The reason being that I often work with a lot of my friends. I actually can separate friendship from business... many can't. So, as a result I get cast as the ogre in a lot of situations just because I can make that separation where others choose to take it personally. Case and point... I found a better replacement for me in Suicide Lounge... and gladly so.
Lecram the Listener - Really, there is information that I know that I really should not (and need not) know about people. Yes, I actually listen. I don't jump to conclusions or make harsh judgments. If it is important to... I actually find out the other side of the story. I'm funny that way.
Lecram the Generous - I can be to a fault.
Lecram the Frugal - Yeah, I am. Why pay more if you don't have to? This is also byproduct of being Lecram the Starving Playwright and Lecram the Broke.
Lecram the Insecure - Aren't we all in some aspect of our lives?
Lecram the Morty - It's Morty... it ain't me. Morty is totally a cold heartless MOFO... but it's always business.
So, these are some I have come up with. I'm sure there are more that are unflattering and I have blocked out of my rabid infested mind. Which Lecram do you know... or which Lecram do you want to know about? And more importantly... which YOU is the prevailing YOU at the moment?
Labels: life, perception
*Sir Tommy the introspect
*Thomas ak-Whinus
*Tommy the broke and broken-hearted
*Healing Thomas
Yeah ... it's been a bad couple of weeks. LOL Have a good one man.
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