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Monday, July 23, 2007

more shameless promotion (with an edit)

Yeah, I finish cutting this tonight... and the shows are coming up this weekend. So if you live around the big NO... come on down and catch these fine shows!

More in the AM... promise!

EDIT: 10:30 AM, Tuesday
I just sent off my responses of an email interview to Fresno Famous that will be featured on Friday (I think). Now, I either have to snap a pic or hunt for one in my archives. Hmm... I wonder if they will post a half nekkid one of me. LOL!

Also, I have to begin promotions on the next presentation of Rogue Year Round. Yes, it is going to be a barrage over the internet and probably going to annoy some on MySpace. Well, I'm not apologizing for it in advance because the whole exercise is to get Butts In The Seats. The point here is we are not just promoting to friends and supporters but also to potential newbies... and with the attention span these days people forget very easily. (That's just one of the many reasons... but no one asked choosing instead to throw barbs.) I'll have you know that the last promotional thrust pulled in at least two thirds of the paying audience who were exposed to anything Rogue for the very first time... and they had a bloody good time.

The Rogue was not created to be some sort of "insiders club" but something to be inclusive. What I really don't appreciate (for the Rogue in general) is certain "insiders" had chosen to air their disdain of my previous methods via blogs and comments... which is a public forum. Either support the event (by showing up) or don't (by not showing up). If you want to question my methods... shoot me an email (and I will patiently provide an explanation of the "whys") but airing it in a public forum (via the power of the internet) is just plain unprofessional and counter productive to all many are attempting to accomplish. I'm all for debate and discussion... and if you are an insider... lets keep it within the confines of a meeting (one on one or via email)... but snippy blogs and comments that are open to the public just smacks of juvenile attention seeking. There... I've said my peace and for the record, I don't hold any grudge or ill feelings about what transpired... just saying.

Now back to editing the many videos that are laying in wait.

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