Da Count - hangin

The ability to just hang with friends without an agenda. That is becoming more and more of a luxury these days... so when the opportunity arises I jump at it. Like tonight, I got to hang with Solitaire and Kowboi and it was really nice to just shoot the shit and down the beers. No big production number planned... just sitting around enjoying each other's company... talking about this and that... just hanging. So, that is my count today... hangin... and I've really been needing it of late.
To find out what Da Count is all about... click the flashing sign.
EDIT: Found THIS STORY on Frogway linked to my latest Picture Daze post.
EDIT 2: Just a thought on the story in reference to me being/working from NY. (Sure, a couple of my plays have been done in Brooklyn... but still!) This is not the first time it has happened. On another occasion yet another writer had me living/working in SF. For some reason they seem to think that placing me (as a playwright) in these cities somehow adds a certain "gravitas" to my persona (or perceived quality of work) to the reading public. For the record... I have never ever in my 27 years here said that I lived/worked anywhere other than Fresno. I am proud to call this place my home... or I wouldn't still be living or working here.
EDIT 3: The widgets were fun but they were hanging up the page load of my blog. So, they are gone.
Labels: da count
That's a great feeling man. Good one.
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