Da Count - sharing the blame

Well, the interview is now on Fresno Famous. Go ahead... read it... I'll wait.
Done? OK. After reading it today, it brought to mind my count for this week. It is "the many" who over the years have bought into my insane schemes and made them happen. From mounting the odd wacky plays... to backyard theatre... to a theatre company... to an arts festival... to some other projects, activities and events that I'll remain silent on for the moment. But without them none of it would have been accomplished. I could name all of them but it would take easily a year if I started now. It just goes to prove that no one is an island and that things can happen when people pull together. That whole "village" thing that was bandied about some years ago happens to be true. Whether it be in the personal, professional or practical parts of our lives.
So, to those of you who have... and those who may not know you have... please know that you count. Not just on my crazed schemes... but to everyone around you in your everyday lives. I am not foolish (or vain) enough to think that these accomplishments are mine alone... they are ours. And this is hardly the end. Cheers!
To find out what Da Count is all about click the flashing sign above.
Oh, BTW... the HNT shot below was done straight... no photoshop magic in that one except for cropping out the barbecue. The setup took all of 5 minutes.
If you are in and around the Big NO this weekend come see THIS & THIS. Here is the promo video again just to goose you along.
More later... perhaps,
EDIT: 11:30 AM, Friday
So, I just got done having lunch with Mum. While I was doing so I flip open the newspaper (which I rarely do) and lo and behold... the interview is right there (picture and all) in the entertainment section. I left there for her to read if she so desires to.
Labels: da count
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