I did something tonight...
I haven't done in a long time. I went for a bike ride at 10 PM. That is the wonderful aspect about most Summer nights in the big NO... they are balmy and perfect for something like that. Riding around my neighborhood in the dark of night... then getting home to a tall glass of iced tea. Perfect.
::drumroll:: And the POWER OF SCHMOOZE award goes in no particular order to...
Airplanejayne: Apart from being a fine human being in real life (with those wild ranch BBQ's), APJ is quite the schmoozer in the blogosphere. She thinks she is being sly but I've spied her on many an occasion come over to surf my blogroll. She is not the only one but she actually makes contact more than anyone I know. if that is not schmooze... what is?
Tish: A delight (and quite the hottie) whom I actually spent breaking in the New Year's with once via chatting... I think has one of the widest circle of blog friends around. She is actually involved in a Blogathon this Saturday to raise funds for the Glaucoma Foundation (click here for details) so go by and support a good cause. You really have to be an ace schmoozer to do something like that.
Jay: She is a fabulous writer whose blog I came across not too long ago and I have been hooked ever since. Really she easily qualifies for the next award as well. Though I put her here mainly because the numbers in her comment section are so impressive. One of the few bloggers I know of who can make an entire colorful world so vivid just from a simple walk around her city neighborhood.
Osbasso: The Grand Emperor of HNT. Need I say more? The man started a movement and has met several personally on his travels. Sure, he usually frequents and comments on the sites of those of the female persuasion... but seriously, can you blame him? That's schmooze!
Barry: He is a fringe performer friend who is currently criss-crossing Canada on tour bringing his funny and droll shows to 9 Fringe Festivals this Summer. Not sure about blog schmooze but you really have to see this guy work a line waiting for a show. His adventures on this tour is being chronicled on his blog (a fun read BTW) and he also seems to have a strange obsession for bathroom signs.
::drumroll:: And the CREATIVE BLOGGER AWARD goes in no particular order to...
Heather: Her photographs are stunning and here is someone who could easily define blogging as an art form. She expresses in almost a stream of consciousness and sometimes dreamy surreal way all (or at least most) of what is her life. Often cryptic... yes... but you never miss the poetry of emotions that flow from her.
Cosima: This German expat lives in Hong Kong and shares a unique perspective of that and her life with a sometimes arresting candor. Yet there is a constant inquisitive nature that draws her visitors in with the warm embrace of sharing to where her delight of discovery becomes ours.
Zonthar: He has been a long time friend... though I will say (and this is totally unbiased) that he probably holds more talent in his little finger than most of the strutting peacocks in the business deemed "talent" all put together. He really should blog more because when he does he totally enthralls. Go over, give him a read and goose him to do more.
Kfarmer: She will be the first one to refute this... but let me tell you this solid woman's life is art. Just read about her daily adventures on her farm growing vegetables, raising her chicks, hanging with dog, cooking up a mess and loving... and loving totally her brood... and you will get a sense of what I speak of. She truly creates with the elegance of simplicity.
Kien: One of my oldest friends in the world. Just listen to his music... that part is obvious. But more importantly here is someone who has gone through hell and back and has never given up the joy of discovery or the drive to strive... that is the mark of a true creative.
EDIT: 10 PM, Wednesday
Thriller in Manila (prison). OK maybe not in Manila... but in the Philipines for sure. Talk about doing time creatively!
Philippine Prison Reenacts Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” Video
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If you are a regular visitor you would have noticed that I rarely do memes, etc. When I do it is usually something that really tickles my fancy. In this case I couldn't pass up the Schmooze Award that the always delightful Lime kindly bestowed upon me... and I am honored and flattered. She also said that I qualified for the Creative Blogger Award. So, I'm nicking both awards to bestow upon 5 bloggers in each category... then they can pick 5... and so on and so forth. (I think that's how it works.) Though I am not going to hold any to it... they may or may not choose to keep it going. I am also going to try not to do repeats from her post or mine (per award).
Airplanejayne: Apart from being a fine human being in real life (with those wild ranch BBQ's), APJ is quite the schmoozer in the blogosphere. She thinks she is being sly but I've spied her on many an occasion come over to surf my blogroll. She is not the only one but she actually makes contact more than anyone I know. if that is not schmooze... what is?
Tish: A delight (and quite the hottie) whom I actually spent breaking in the New Year's with once via chatting... I think has one of the widest circle of blog friends around. She is actually involved in a Blogathon this Saturday to raise funds for the Glaucoma Foundation (click here for details) so go by and support a good cause. You really have to be an ace schmoozer to do something like that.
Jay: She is a fabulous writer whose blog I came across not too long ago and I have been hooked ever since. Really she easily qualifies for the next award as well. Though I put her here mainly because the numbers in her comment section are so impressive. One of the few bloggers I know of who can make an entire colorful world so vivid just from a simple walk around her city neighborhood.
Osbasso: The Grand Emperor of HNT. Need I say more? The man started a movement and has met several personally on his travels. Sure, he usually frequents and comments on the sites of those of the female persuasion... but seriously, can you blame him? That's schmooze!
Barry: He is a fringe performer friend who is currently criss-crossing Canada on tour bringing his funny and droll shows to 9 Fringe Festivals this Summer. Not sure about blog schmooze but you really have to see this guy work a line waiting for a show. His adventures on this tour is being chronicled on his blog (a fun read BTW) and he also seems to have a strange obsession for bathroom signs.

Heather: Her photographs are stunning and here is someone who could easily define blogging as an art form. She expresses in almost a stream of consciousness and sometimes dreamy surreal way all (or at least most) of what is her life. Often cryptic... yes... but you never miss the poetry of emotions that flow from her.
Cosima: This German expat lives in Hong Kong and shares a unique perspective of that and her life with a sometimes arresting candor. Yet there is a constant inquisitive nature that draws her visitors in with the warm embrace of sharing to where her delight of discovery becomes ours.
Zonthar: He has been a long time friend... though I will say (and this is totally unbiased) that he probably holds more talent in his little finger than most of the strutting peacocks in the business deemed "talent" all put together. He really should blog more because when he does he totally enthralls. Go over, give him a read and goose him to do more.
Kfarmer: She will be the first one to refute this... but let me tell you this solid woman's life is art. Just read about her daily adventures on her farm growing vegetables, raising her chicks, hanging with dog, cooking up a mess and loving... and loving totally her brood... and you will get a sense of what I speak of. She truly creates with the elegance of simplicity.
Kien: One of my oldest friends in the world. Just listen to his music... that part is obvious. But more importantly here is someone who has gone through hell and back and has never given up the joy of discovery or the drive to strive... that is the mark of a true creative.
EDIT: 10 PM, Wednesday
Thriller in Manila (prison). OK maybe not in Manila... but in the Philipines for sure. Talk about doing time creatively!
Philippine Prison Reenacts Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” Video
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Thanks for the award, Lecram!! And thanks so much for your kind words. You're the best! :)
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