this that and the other

The last three days has been a flurry of activity over at the homestead. I may have mentioned about 3 weeks ago how some good and wonderful folk have volunteered their time and effort to help with things around here so that it's more livable for Mum. Well, on the 4th the next work day began at 8 in the AM. The mission was to get the swamp cooler running again and the bathroom floor redone.
The swamp was accomplished by 10 the next day... but the bathroom will probably only be accomplished sometime Tuesday. These wonderful folk have (at the end of each day) put in a temporary floor and re-hooked the toilet so that Mum could use the facilities at night. It's all good and needed to be done as the water damage on the floor was more extensive than any of us would have guessed (leaky sink was the major culprit).
However, all this activity has thrown the schedule off and quite disorientated Mum. Not having the bathroom available while work was being done has also confused her quite a bit. I found her this morning standing in the kitchen in a stupor not knowing where to go. Also the flurry of activity has contributed a little to her ongoing obsession about the phantom "new house". It will take a little time, effort and reassurance to get her back into a routine and to get her locked back in to "homestead mode". No fault on any end... the work had to be done... and the upcoming efforts to get her back to feeling comfortable again will be as well. Plus she'll soon be able to go in a nicer and safer bathroom.
Oof, it's been bad. This current wave (which mercifully is ending soon) has really done a job with congestion issues all around. Adding to this is all the fireworks over the holidays that has only added even more to make the air in the bowl we live in heavier. Once again, no fault or finger pointing... heck, celebrations still have to take place, don't they? I took one of the stellar folk who was helping with the work being done out to dinner last night at a local Vietnamese noodle place. Just the ride there and back with the windows down did me in. Plans I had to go out and join some friends at a local watering hole last night literally went out the window. Here is hoping a small system comes in to blow all of this schmutz so that we can all breathe again more easily.
Hmm... I'm wondering if everyone around here would put in clean bags or filters into their vacuum cleaners and collectively turn them on outside in their yards... if that would help clean out the air a bit.
Perhaps more later...
She began reclaiming today by insisting on sweeping.
On another front... I don't care if they are cubs... this monkey has balls... and the ninja sound effects are fun too!
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