Sunday, August 19, 2007
Minor snafu... doing a reinstall. Should be up later in the day. Then a vlog?!
Labels: new blog
Saturday, August 18, 2007
lecram's blog moving day!

Yep... that's what will be happening today. I am however leaving Da Blogs Da Thang versions 1.0 and 2.0 up. Instead of migrating all those posts I sort of like the idea that a "trail of evolution" is left. I may migrate some of the stuff later... but not today.
Yes, I am moving to Wordpress. (WARNING: Shameless Promotion Up Ahead.) was moved to my Jungle Webs server earlier this year. I did that both as an experiment and also to make sure that the content of my blog was at one place and not floating around on indiscriminate servers on the web.
I'm doing the same with the new blog as the hosting on Jungle Webs offers all sorts of free add-ons (through something called Metropolis) from which Wordpress can be installed very easily. Plus, with the deluxe plan (a mere $8.39 a month) I can host unlimited domains (.COMS are only $6.95 a year!)
Anyway, there will be more updates during the day as I set the new place up... so stay tuned.
4:20 PM, Saturday
O.K. I think it is nap time. I still have some more tweaking to do and other work... but I do have a shooting gig this evening out in the park. So, a nap may be prudent at the moment. I have a couple of templates that I can use... back and forth depending on my mood when I post... so that is kinda fun. There is still some other adjustments before I will bring you the new digs in all it's glory. Hang tight... that should be happening... latest sometime tomorrow.
Labels: domains, hosting, jungle webs, new blog
Friday, August 17, 2007
Here is a somewhat silly idea!
I'm considering throwing an Opening Night Party for a show of mine I can't and won't be attending.
Labels: shameless promotion, surreal
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Da Count - through the eyes of others

2 old friends commented to me this week that they admired my constant re-invention of what I do. One jokingly said that they were almost afraid to blink when they are around me because of it. Both also commented that despite all the evolutions they have witnessed the core of me remains constant. Needless to say I am most humbled by this heaping compliment.
What I do is not dependent or motivated by the admiration of or validation from others. Yet when it does come I do have to admit that it does feel good. I used to feel quite uncomfortable of it in the past but have since learned to accept it with grace. I have come to accept that we define ourselves through our actions... and when the acknowledgment and reflection of that through the eyes of others does come it can indeed be very gratifying. This also extends to recognizing "that look" of being seen through the eyes of friends, children, parents, peers and lovers... the one that says it all without a spoken word.
That is my count this week... our value reflected in the eyes of others who see us for who we are and what we do.
To find out more about Da Count click the flashing sign above.
Labels: da count
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
comfortable in my new skin - HNT
growing into it after you shed the old is never instant

I'll be moving blogs on Saturday... so come by and check out the new digs.
Check out my new VLOG below and comeback on Friday for Da Count!
BTW... I'm doing a sarong themed HNT in a couple of weeks... wanna join me?
Labels: hnt
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I had a bar of dark chocolate today...

The rest of the day was spent dealing with bills, etc. Made a bunch of calls this evening to some of the 1980 cast of Frogway. Mike and I are arranging a meet up of as many of the original cast for opening night next week. It was fun to chat and play catch-up. They all want to know if I am returning. It's nice to know that they want me to but I had to tell them that I couldn't.

The white "x" on the bottom of the pic is where I used to live (at least as near as I can guess) and the Bangsar Shopping Centre at the top is where the Actor's Studio is located. Dang, there is a lot of development that has occurred around those parts.
I'm thinking HNT is when I'll make the big announcment of my move to the new digs. That is of course if it is ready to be moved into. BTW... I'm thinking of a "sarong" themed HNT in a couple of weeks... anyome with me on that?
I'll be taking all of you with me...
... that is if you want to follow me to my new digs. It will happen soon enough... I am still doing some work on it.
more later in the AM.
EDIT #1 : 7:45 AM
Shuffling off to a meeting this morning downtown. Apart from business I am hoping to shoot some video and pics. Perhaps you will see them here later. I could happen.
and yet more later.
more later in the AM.
EDIT #1 : 7:45 AM
Shuffling off to a meeting this morning downtown. Apart from business I am hoping to shoot some video and pics. Perhaps you will see them here later. I could happen.
and yet more later.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Da Count - blogger/blogspot

Blogger is what I started blogging on. In March 2005 SSM and I chatted about how our friend Generik had a blog. We checked it out and I admit was both befuddled and intrigued by it. SSM started a blog and I soon followed suit. Then a pod of local RL friends began blogging as well including APJ, and Jaded Ed Gypsy . Then friends from across the pond joined in Such as Kien, Vert and my long lost cousin Lelly. So, our little pod of bloggers began growing.
By blog surfing ran across the likes of Carlyjayjay, who at the time was a struggling actress who was singing in a band... Ms. Bees who took a disturbing yet entertaining delight in the art of murder... and Aughra, a very attractive (and well written) wife and mother who worked in an adult store and introduced us to HNT and the mighty OS. Carly has since gotten married (a wedding I attended through a webcast) and is now in a hit show Evildead the Musical, Ms. Bees is on a little haitus from her murderous spree, and Aughra has a new baby.
Through HNT and the Emperor OS, I have met wonderful people like the delightful Lime, the prolific horror author Mark, the lovely Tish, the always fascinating Cosima, and the stalwart salt of the earth Kfarmer who remains one of my oldest bloggy friends... just to name a few. Please do not feel left out if you are not mentioned on this post... if you are on my blogroll know that you are special to me.
All of this through blogger which is why I am counting it today.... and in so doing I am counting all of you! I liked it for it's ease of use in the attempts of me expressing myself but I think the time has come to move on to a platform that is a little more stable. I will continue blogging and I hope you (at least the few who are regulars) will continue to visit on the new platform. So, once again, thank you blogger for providing me with the opportunity for expression (like HNT and Da Count) and for the honor of meeting all of you. I will continue here until the new digs are set up so don't be strangers. Cheers!
To find out what Da Count is all about click the flashing sign above.
* BTW KaMotion has joined the ranks posted a count early. Oh, and I have begun VLOGGING... so come by this weekend for that.
Labels: da count
OK... it's settled.
I'll be moving soon. The recent rise in hiccups with blogger and other third party applications has prompted this. I'll be here for a bit more until the new digs are ready. So, stay tuned as this is a heads-up for Da Blogs Da Thang 3.0.
Labels: new blog
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
72 hours may equal 2 Vlogs & a Promo video or 2

I do have to admit that I've gotten pretty good at this medium... not quite where I want to be... but getting there. The learning curve is still rising and I am enjoying the process. Yes, I do have ambitious ideas and notions. (Have you known me not to?) I also think a definite style is beginning to surface... though I'm sort of fighting that. Only because I want to explore and keep myself open to attempt the vast variety of genres out there.
Oh yeah... if you click on the pic it will take you to my channel on YouTube.
Anyway, that is what I'll be up to in the immediate future. Have a great Hump Day and perhaps I'll post something for HNT later. Cheers!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
and then you wonder how you got here

These thoughts floated last night as I lay in wait to slip into slumber. I imagined life as a string with a series of knots. Not all of them dire, I have to admit. Many more constituted self inflicted challenges of one kind or another. Some professional. Some personal. Very few that I regret in retrospect... and most of those now just seemed petty. This was actually an interesting revelation in this exercise of reflection. That what seemed important at the time is now of little significance.
Perhaps the further I journey along this path, the more I shed. I am hoping that is the case anyway. The baggage of our attachments may really be what keeps us hostage. Are we keeping them or are they keeping us? The attachments of importance... or more accurately what we have chosen to deem important. This is what creates our personal dogma of absolutes that we project onto the world... and we all have them in some form or another. Whether a believer or non we all have them... those judgmental absolutes that we inflict when our little worlds are threatened by the unfamiliar.
And even if we continue to shed the baggage in time we still hold on to a handful hoping that perhaps those may be the true ones. And sometimes in a flash of clarity you realize that what really got you out of those many knots was not the truth you attempted to impose on others but the courage to be honest with yourself.
Labels: perception
Monday, August 6, 2007
just returned from another shoot...
... for the WSF. I return to their rehearsals on Wednesday to shoot some more. Hopefully, by thyis weekend I'll have the first of 2 video promos for them to spread across the cyber universe. Oh... BTW... what I saw at rehearsals tonight was full of energy and fun... definitely the right broad and farcical notes to hit for a production of Taming Of The Shrew. Just saying.
Looks like it's going to be a busy week. Think I'll hit the sack early tonight.
Looks like it's going to be a busy week. Think I'll hit the sack early tonight.
Labels: work
weekends & mondays are usually slow...

I created a FROG BLOG! (Lordy, save us from these bad rhyming couplet puns!) I've been in touch with some of the original cast and figured maybe they would want to contribute posts, photos, etc to it. I even extended the invitation to the current company in lieu of the possibility that we may get a peek into rehearsals, etc. Though, chances are I'll be the lone croak in this swamp. Oh, and here are the latest news articles HERE & HERE. (The second one is great if you read Malay.)
It's been a busy few days but good ones. There were a couple of video shoots yesterday. Yeah, you'll see some footage in my next VLOG. BTW... glad you are enjoying them. I'll see how long I can keep up with these with any regularity.
That's it for now though there may be more later if I am so inclined.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Vlog # 2
So far so good... 2 vlogs in 2 weeks... but don't hold me to the once a week thing.
This one was a bit of a bear to edit as there were some software glitches... but at least the learning curve went up. Thanks again to all who participated. Oh, and did you check out the APITHANY PICTURES logo at the end? huh? huh? huh? Oh and you can still help Zonthar pick out a mid-life crisis and check out Kevin's music.
This one was a bit of a bear to edit as there were some software glitches... but at least the learning curve went up. Thanks again to all who participated. Oh, and did you check out the APITHANY PICTURES logo at the end? huh? huh? huh? Oh and you can still help Zonthar pick out a mid-life crisis and check out Kevin's music.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Doesn't look like I'm going out tonight
So, I figure I'll go shower... slip into the comfort of a sarong and begin up loading video for my VLOG that will be posted this weekend. I'll have to go through several sources for footage but I think there will be lots of fun stuff on it. I'm trying to keep "face time" down to a minimum on these things. PLUS... I'll also be unveiling the new video logo and name for my video attempts!
Labels: blah
Da Count - sign posts to the possible.

Sometimes on this journey we shed what we have carried for so long and wonder what may lie ahead. We walk with a mere inkling. We take a few steps toward what we think may be a new journey never really knowing if this inkling will pan out or if it was just a flight of fancy. But we move ahead... and a sign post comes into view. We draw nearer... it confirms that we may indeed be on the right path.
I came upon such a sign post this week. I got a paying gig in the the area of video production. My stride is a little more confident and sure than it was before. This is my count.
If you want to fing out what Da Count is all about click the flashing sign above.
EDIT: Friday 9:30 AM
Haven't been blog surfing to visit some of my favorite blogs in the last few days for a couple of reasons.
Reason # 1: Because of the heat there have been power outs around here... simply because folks have been cranking up their air conditioners... and can you blame them? It hasn't been too bad but the outages can be a trifle inconvenient when trying to traverse around the blog universe or attempting some work on the computer.
Reason # 2: There has been a sudden surge of social and professional (at least I hope) activity in my life at the moment. It's all good.
So, I'll remedy the no-visit situation soon.
BTW... I was doing an email interview for a newspaper back in Malaysia for Frogway and the said power went off resulting in me losing all of my brilliant quipy responses to the interview. Now I have to work myself up to another quipy froth before attempting it again.
Oh and a new vloumentary will be up this weekend where I will unveil the new name and logo of Lecram Enterprises. Come back for that... there will be some sweet moments in it.
Have a great weekend!
Labels: da count