new post later in...

... the AM... promise.
EDIT: 9:03 AM Monday
Loads to do today... when is there not? But things are clipping along at a pretty good pace so, one has to be thankful for that.
Last night I thought about where I am and how I got here. About all the shifts our lives take. How we decide to act or react to those shifts. The ebb and flow of life that causes us to ponder and take in what is in the present.
I know so many who hark back to a past time and almost seem to spend the rest of the present trying to get back to what once was. Then there are those who look to whats ahead with a fervency that almost disregards the present. Yes, I have indulged in both on occasion but never once losing appreciation for the present.
I can honestly say that I have enjoyed every age I have been. Sure, on reflection... some more than others but I never hated any age I have been. The aches and creaks are a little more prevalent now but so is patience and the understanding that one has to allow for the process to play out.
Change is inevitable weather we choose to accept it or not. With the view of the observer it is easier to recognize its occurrence without than it is within. And sometimes we just have to step out and look within to recognize the evolution that is happening and celebrate our own growth.
Labels: life, perception
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