... prechance to dream... but instead...

It's the hard left you take 2 exits before the Twilight Zone turnoff. The nap you tell yourself is so needed at 1 AM when you've been up since 3 the morning before? Yeah, that place. Your mind is still razor sharp but you know that a power nap is needed just so the neighbors don't call on the guys with the white jackets on your behalf. The nap you enter with your very own version of swirling circus music... a whimsical buzz that hums paintings by Salvador Dali for the first half hour. Then it subsides to a peaceful stillness and you know the fun is just about to begin.
Half awake and half in dream state you bounce through several mind movies that suggest that Ingmar Berman collaborated with the Keystone Kops and that Charlie Chaplin provided Apocalypse Now with that warm fuzzy and uplifting ending. But these dreams are lucid and you have the power to change them. You don't. Why spoil the ride? You couldn't pay money for this stuff. Besides, if you did you fear the frightening turn it might warp into simply because the noodles encased in your skull have been racing forward in a swirl like Speedy Gonzales operating a merry-go-round on coke.
So, I'm up again and whacking this work out just so it's off my hands. Another pot of coffee on the brew. Considering the work load I'm actually feeling rather chipper. Or could it be that I have finally jumped that barby fence that holds us just this side of reality? But the work needs to get done. Come by in a few days and you can get a PDF of it... unless of course they've already taken me away. The difference between this year and that? 12 more pages.
Later... Cheers!
Oh, and here are 7 Reasons not to go to Vista... yet.
Very amusing phrase
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