At 12:01 as this year broke I predicted that it was the year of "letting go" it certainly been that for me. Certainly there has been much to count along the way... and often the act of letting go was a positive act essential in moving on. I can say the funnest part of that night was sharing it in the company of friends.

It was a year that saw my return as a playwright with a new play (the first new one in 5 years) that was pretty successful at this year's Rogue selling out 3 of the 5 slotted performances. Personally and professionally I was most pleased with the newer direction my writing took... thanks to my muse. Though in this business the material can only be as good as the talent presenting it. Dionysus filled my cup to the brim with
this team of talent that was a pure joy to work with. Oh yeah... and I sold the play to boot.

As the month of March passed... just as one friend was leaving I was reconnected with another as
chronicled by this post. This reacquainting allowed me to revisit the first musical I ever wrote 27 years ago. Rewriting through the internet proved to actually be a viable means to conduct business. New songs were written... major sections in the script were fixed and all this culminated in
a successful run of
the show half way across the world.
So professionally those were a couple of big counts. Someone asked me a few days ago if I was going to count the
Horizon Award that I was a recipient of. Yes, but more so for those who turned up to share the evening with me and for those I share the award with.

You see, with all the letting go that occurred this year (and there was a lot of it) it was people who counted most. There were dark, doubtful and uncertain times I faced... and often felt quite helpless... but it was the kindness of friends and strangers that pulled me through. I was brought up to be pretty independent so one of the biggest things I had to let go was my prideful reluctance to accept help. And hopefully I accepted it with grace. At times I felt like George Bailey with all the blessings that wonderful folk bestowed upon me... including you who come by my blog. And for that I thank you all... everyone of you. I really could not have done it without you... and in all the ways you have brightened up my life.
So, all in all... it has been a year rich with counts. My hope is yours was too.