blogger is being a bugger so it's time for mexican beer.

See, I'm trying to finish off a web design project for a couple of musician friends of mine. (Yeah, a paying gig.) Blogger will be used as the "news & gigs" component that they can easily update themselves. Trouble is that uploading the template has just been a bitch. OK... enough geek talk. (Promise I'll post the site once it's completed.)
So, be assured that this post will take on a somewhat random stride.
Revelation: I'm close to something but it's not there yet. What is it they say? An inch is as good as a mile?
I was chatting with a fellow blogger earlier and the subject of a succubus came up. (Yeah, talk about random.) Anyway, I suddenly began visualizing a succubus having her way with guys on the street in broad daylight. Can you just see the facial contortions and hip grinding spontaneously occurring? Talk about the Ministry of Silly Walks coming alive.
An unrelated but equally bizarre idea was bandied about for a sketch comedy a few weeks ago when the lovely Mia was in town. It involved the Department of Homeland Security hiring meth addicts to reconstruct shredded documents.
I think that's all the randomness for this week... or at least today... or this hour.
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