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Location: California, United States

Monday, May 7, 2007

and then what?

Floating in this swirl of uncertainty is really starting to get to me. Now I fully understand that there are no guarantees in life but I'm twirling at the end of a thread more so than I have ever done so before. It is not a new occurance in my life but the difference this time is that I have someone depending on me. I knew the present shift I am in would be extreme but it really feels like a free-fall. But where there is life there is hope, right? Excuse me while I hold my breath until the glow appears at the end of that seemingly endless tunnel.

BTW... the issues from the last post were finally resolved. So, perhaps there really is some forward motion.

There is much to be thankful for though. People mostly. Those who remind me that I have made a lot happen... and that I can again. The difference this time is that I need to make it happen for me.

So, those of you who come by... forgive my indulgence in these postings. I do not apologize for them. I have not and will not apologize for honestly expressing how I feel. At least I can still do that.



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