bits n pieces of this n that

Had a great lengthy Skype call with Mike last night on how things were progressing. Apparently, it is going really well. Some pretty big names in the theatre circles in Malaysia are now attached to the project which has already created a hefty growing buzz about the show. There are some more revisions to the script that have been suggested that I am presently mulling over.
On Selling The Rights To My Shows
There is interest with one at the moment though details have not been worked out yet. Hoping this can happen soon so that I can finally pay some bills and eat. If you are interested in owning exclusive rights to one of my shows email me at . One Acts are priced at $2500 and Full Lengths at $5000.
On My Next Creative Project
Not quite sure what it is yet. I do want to create something new for Rogue 08 that is a complete departure from what I fielded this year. To that end I'm mulling several options. Nothing has really grabbed me and shook me around yet... though it usually attacks when one is not really looking.
Perhaps more bits and pieces later... or this and that
EDIT: 9:32 PM
Solitaite Visits
Solitaire just left. She came by to drop off some equipment and hung out for a bit to chat. It's been a while since we have done that and was a welcomed change for me. We ended up watching Scotland PA... which I think she liked quite a bit... being a fan of the Bard and all. lol.
I don't get too many folk visiting these days as I used to. There are lots of factors governing this. They have their own lives, with the shifts in my life, my place is no longer the "hub" (random barbecues, etc...) and I guess it is generally felt that I may not be "useful" any longer. No matter. I knew the streak would end sometime. Though I think I'm just going through yet another re-invention of me. Happens every 5 years or so. It'll be interesting to see what emerges from the ashes.
New Show Opens
My friends over at Theatre Ventoux opened their new show this weekend. If you are in the area of the Big NO... go see it. I think you'll be in for an entertaining evening. They are running for 2 more weekends. They even received an encouraging review from the local paper.
That's good for now... don't you think?
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