the tummy is a little...

The evening was a pleasant one. Great company and fun conversation. It has been a while since I got out... just cuz. Though it was a little celebration for completing the rewrite. But just getting out for a bit was a very nice change for me. The weekend will be filled with web work and video editing... that actually will be fun and creative. So no complaints here... plus they are also money gigs.
Speaking of plays... to counter the mounting bills I have decided to sell ownership to some of my plays. Meaning that if you decide to own one of them, the copyright of said play will be transfered to you. You can then market them to other theatre companies for production and earn royalties from them. I will even facilitate a place for you to market the play. If you are interested send an email to me at and I will furnish you with more details.
Have a grand weekend!
Oh, and here are a few Time Wasters to start it off.
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