spent the day working on the lyrics...

Reworking this show after 27 years has been and continues to be a lot of fun. Though it has caused me to ponder about the cyclical nature of life. I mean, here is the first play I attempted. It was produced back then. Now Mike and I are readying it again for another possible production. We have chatted about this and what a strange wondrous journey between then and now our separate lives have been. (BTW... here is sampling of Mike's genius for your listening pleasure... and the gentleman he is "dueting" with is a cousin of mine. I think you'll agree both are total MOFO jazz musicians!)
I have over the last couple of years noticed that I have been revisiting other past events, situations and people on a fairly regular basis. The only meaning I can derive from this is that (for some reason) I'm being afforded the opportunity to perhaps "do it right" this time around... or perhaps come to some resolve. With the play... I think falls into the "do it right" column... perhaps if nothing else to pacify the restlessness I've had with it over the years.
In this same two year period I've also had this inkling that there may be opportunities (exciting ones at that) up ahead. Major shifts. Yet at the present there also does exist a tense feeling... probably because of the financial uncertainty I presently face.
Energy is a strange, wonderful and scary thing, isn't it?
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