This must be blood letting Sunday...

I head into the kitchen. Suddenly have a hankering for a baked potato drizzled with garlic, pepper and salt. OK, in reality it's really a microwaved potato - heck, three and a half minutes and it's done!
As I reach for a plate to put it on I feel something little and sharp puncture the underside of my foot. While balancing a plate with a potato on it I pull up my foot and see the crimson ooze begin to emerge. I hop over put the plate in, turn on the microwave and contemplate ancient alchemy once more. Though sucking on one's foot just didn't seem the right thing to do at the time.
I guess the best thing would be to clean the wound and apply pressure. The ooze finally coagulates and the ruby flow stops. I think I will remain as still as possible for the rest of the day just so the fates won't be tempted. Afterall, three times the charm, right?
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