a royalty payment came in today...

Speaking of trends...
I totally geeked out yesterday with the whole Britain's Got Talent thing (see post below) by constantly refreshing an update page whilst the broadcast was going on across the pond. It was actually kinda fun getting caught up in the frenzy of that. Even found a YouTube user (myredroom) who posted videos within 10 minutes of the end of the show. I'm usually (or at least been in the last few years) more of a trend monger than a follower... so this was a refreshing and fun change to be partr of the crowd. As I stated in an earlier post I don't usually watch these kind of shows but Paul's story was so universally compelling that it was worth the ride. Besides, I am such a sucker for the deserving underdog story.
And speaking of geekiness...
The power unit for the new computer arrived today. Installed it along with a new video card and have it up and running. Just need to install the video editing software in the morning... a couple of minor tweaks and it will be ready for use. This I'm really looking forward to.
Another thing I'm looking forward to...
Is having a midnight snack of the meatball curry I cooked today. It's a lighter curry which I also plan to devour in the morning with some toast.
And speaking of balls...
Ms. Joy had a hairy experience that she blogged about. Of course she faulted me for getting juice all over her... but she is the one who squeezed the damed things.
BTW... the pic above is the base of one of the lamposts in my neighborhood. Bet the guy whose name appears on it wishes he was getting royalties for his stuff.
Labels: bits and pieces
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