tagging me self silly

- Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
- At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog
1. Even though theatre is my life and I have lived in America for over half my life I have never seen a show on Broadway (even though I have been to NY)... but I have seen several in London's West End. Yeah... strange but true.
2. Whenever I acquire a DVD (even for a movie I have never seen before) I always watch the "extras" before the movie. I hear that this is one of the sure tests for a true nerd.
3. My life is broken up into periods of being ultra high profile social or super hermit recluse. I enjoy both but not all the time.
4. Somewhat related to # 3... friends over the last few years have commented that going out in public with me feels akin to being part of a rock star's entourage. OK... actually they complain that they can't take me anywhere because I seem to know everyone. This is plainly false... everyone seem to know me. LOL!
5. If I am creatively blocked or come to a cluster-fuck while developing a project... a trip to the toilet usually fixes the problem. Further evidence that my work is crap inspired.
6. I rather let things pile up (like the dishes) before taking care of it in one fell swoop. Somehow it brings a greater sense of accomplishment when the task is completed.
7. I hated the taste of chocolate until my mid-20's. That's all I'm going to say about that.
8. Some of the most terrifying scenes I have ever seen on the screen that still haunt me today are from Disney movies - Snow White running through the forest and the "death coach" from Darby O'Gill and the Little People. Even now if the low branches of a tree brushes up against me in the dark of night - I will freak. Yet I have never had problems camping in the jungle. Go figure!
I'm not tagging anyone (I think self fulfillment is best kept as just that) ... but if you want to tag yourself... have at it until you have hairy palms. Just let me know you did so I can go read.
Labels: meme
You watch the extras before the actual movie, Lecram??! That's just wrong! Remind me never to watch a movie with you! hehehe...
Hmm thanks for the share, atleast I found it as an interesting read
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