inner dialogue

: I understand... but we know that patience has always done well by us.
: So, has action.
: Always tempered with thought... our successes have always been backed by that.
: What happened to spontaneity? We have been successful with that too, haven't we?
: Yes, but all our quick assertive decisions were always arrived at through the balance of logic and a calculation of probability.
: Still a gamble.
: Calculated nevertheless.
: Hmmm...
: What is that "hmmm.. " all about?
: Nothing.
: "Hmmm... you're being a spoilsport hmmm?"
: It's just a "hmmm..."
: Sure?
: Promise.
: O.K.
: So, we wait?
: Look, it's not time wasted while knowledge is actively being acquired.
: I suppose. So, what we have now is what we work with?
: Yes, it is still new... we are still learning.
: And once we have figured how it works... then what?
: Then we can determine if what we want is truly a need or just an extravagance. Besides, we should never deprive ourselves of our most effective creative trigger.
: Limitation.
: Precisely.
: Ironic.
: Totally.
: What about the gut?
: It has it's place... but not this time. So, are we in agreement?
: Done. (pause) So, why is there the perception out there that we are not reasonable?
: Beats me.
Labels: perception
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